
Pat Barry
Joined: Jun 12, 2020
Last seen: Oct 10, 2023
Topics: 0 / Replies: 59
RE: Gear won't go down.

I've had variations of problems on landing gear. The conduit replacement is germane since worn / gripping conduits drag on the cable and cause resista...

4 years ago
RE: PA30 Electrical Failure

Todd, your photo shows a single but your question is about the PA30. The system works in parallel. That is, if one goes out then the other remains. ...

4 years ago
RE: Twin Comanche Fuel Flow - Indicating MUCH too high

The gauge may simply need an adjustment, and this has to be done by an instrument shop. Where the pipes attach at the back of the instrument you wil...

4 years ago
RE: Twin Comanche Fuel Flow - Indicating MUCH too high

Justin, what I observe is that you are comfortable with the problem being the gauge reading, and not the engines. Let me explain how the system wor...

4 years ago
RE: stall warning/landing gear up/down indicator bulbs

Otto, from memory (because I've taken these things apart many times) they are the same. But, let's verify. The parts manual identifies the part numb...

4 years ago
RE: stall warning/landing gear up/down indicator bulbs

The landing gear bulbs are a common peanut bulb. Usually, if you have a store on your airport that sells supplies you will find a supply, but, if you ...

4 years ago
RE: PA-30 C/R Engine Conversion

The PA30 I have had for over 35 years, and it was counter rotated when I bought it. I have flown numerous Twin Comanches and I see no performance diff...

4 years ago
RE: Cracked Trunion

Alan, I've been given permission to mention the pricing on the latest production of the Australian trunnions - one for $7,500 or both sides for $14,00...

4 years ago
RE: XPanel 5000 Software - Templates

Martin, the "go to" person for Comanche panels is John van Bladeran in Oregon. You could ask him, or you could have him actually cut your panels for y...

4 years ago
RE: PA-30 C/R Engine Conversion

The short answer is -- it's not tough. My PA30 is counter rotated and last year we did a 1967 PA30 to c/r although in that instance the owner locate...

4 years ago
RE: Cracked Trunion

Sorry to offer a correction - the latest news is that Johnston Aircraft in Tulare, California, will be the importer of the new production. Call Dave J...

4 years ago
RE: Spanner Wrench

Matt, I use the hammer and punch method. That part of the job isn't tough. The rigging is the precise part. All you do is loosen the nuts and they com...

4 years ago
RE: South Wind Heater AD PA-30

It's an exhaust pipe test requirement. The test is to determine if the exhaust is steel, and capable of rust. The procedure is to use a magnet - if th...

4 years ago
RE: PA-24-250 AFM Report

I have no idea --- We've been looking at the POH for the Comanches recently and the one thing that showed was that the Limitations Section (if the ...

5 years ago
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