Last seen: Oct 12, 2023
I discussed this corrosion issue with Tim Talley at Clifton Aero, and Tim suggested that I provide you with his contact details since he might be able...
This comment is from an FAA Inspector (retired). Of his twenty years at an ACO, he spent hall in propulsion and half in airframes: "Pitting resu...
Being a 1965 PA30 I assume the trunnions are dual fork, not single fork? where is the plane? What state or town? what is in the panel? Any gps, ev...
This requires a doubler and must be done by an A&P/IA/ An avionics repair station cannot repair structure. It's simpler to do a doubler. If you...
Harald, GAMI is now the holder of the STC for the Brittain / Osborne tip tank valves and tip tank systems for the Comanches. Are they unable to help...
In the United States an IA is entitled to substitute something like a pressure pump, and certify it. I don't know about EASA rules. Clearly, the pum...
There are several options but the basic premise is that the three bladed prop gives better climb performance and a little less noise (blades are short...
I separate functions. In the case of an engine, the changes are due to either fuel, electrical, or a mchanical issue of some kind. The tricky part h...
Joel, we used to have Denny Haskins at Redlands but he retired. The person there who has the maintenance hangar I've had to fix things that he erred w...
While a break is possible, in my forty years of Comanche ownership I have never heard of a bungee breaking. The AD requires replacement every three...
Kim is wonderful. Just so everyone understands, his procedure is different from the old S and B procedure in that Kim observed that the S and B proc...
When you ask for a "Qualified Comanche Instructor" I wonder if that is the language that the insurance company uses. Wouldn't it be an instructor who ...
You need to leave a phone number - there are flight instructors all over the west who can help you but they need a phone number please post it on th...
Fill the bladders with fuel. There is no other remedy for helping bladders from drying out. Especially if your plane is not hangared. The sun, beati...