
Looking for a quali...
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Looking for a qualified Comanche 260B instructor for required insurance instruction

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I'm looking to buy a Comanche 260B. Per my insurance company they want me to get 5 hours of instruction with at least 10 landings from a qualified Comanche 260 instructor. I will base the airplane at KAND, Anderson County, SC. I contacted Don Nelson, the man listed as the head of the Comanche pilot proficiency program, but he has retired from that position and had no current information to offer. Anyone have any information on available qualified Comanche 26o instructors?

William Hughes
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Posts: 49


There are a few places you can that information.  Right at the top of the ICS web page there are a few links to the comanche flyer foundation.  Does this help?



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The Comanche Proficiency Programme is run by the Comanche Flyer Foundation. They can help with CPPP training and instructors. Their website is 

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When you ask for a "Qualified Comanche Instructor" I wonder if that is the language that the insurance company uses. Wouldn't it be an instructor who is qualified on a complex piston aircraft? 

I would verify precisely what the insurer wants and if there are no ICSS members nearby then go to a flight school and inquire as to availability of any instructor who meets the insurance company's requirements.

Cliff Wilewski
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Posts: 14

Hi Jim,

Did you find an instructor? 

While I personally do not know one in SC, I know of several that will travel.  As Pat said, go to a local flight training school and ask them if they have or know of anyone. I was down in Lantana Florida a month ago and stopped in at one of the training facilities just to see what was going on there.  I asked if they had or knew of anyone training in Comanches. Yes, they gave me the card of an instructor who was local who actually owned a 260. 

Finding an instructor should be no problem. Finding a good airplane will be your first challenge. 

Cliff Wilewski

Heritage Aero, Inc.  

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@cliffw Turned out the seller had a qualified instructor (met the insurance company requirements), so I was able to get that square filled. The airplane is one that I believe Heritage aviation has worked on. It's a 260B N8883P.

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@patbarry  Pat I ended up getting the Comanche after too many hassles dealing in the Bonanza market. Turned out I got a quote from a different insurance company that recognized my background and therefore didn't require excessive requirements for the instructor or me. The seller's CFI was well qualified and had ample time in this airplane, so he gave me a good checkout and turned me loose. I was trying to get in touch with you prior to doing the pre-purchase, but I've some how misplaced your number. Thought I'd put it in my phone, but it's not there. If you have my number, give me a call. I have some questions and comments on the airplane. Jim

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@jimijet Can you tell me who is the insurance company you used? I'm shopping for Twinke insurance right now. Owned one in the 90s. Getting back in one now. Insurance costs sure have gone up since then. 

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I've used Crest Insurance Brokers Aviation manager Denise Leskovsky for over 18 years. I am very experienced as I was in Corporate aviation for 37 years, but I hadn't flown for 7 years and I'm now 73, so I was concerned I wouldn't be able to get insurance. Denise shopped the market for me and I decided to use the quote from Global Aerospace due to more reasonable training requirements. They were more expensive, but I would have spent more on training than the difference in policy prices between the two candidates I was interested in. Crest Insurance is located in Tucson Arizona. Denise's  number is 520-618-3985. She is VERY knowledgeable and highly experienced in aviation insurance. She will shop the market for you and let you decide what looks best for you. Be prepared for a lot of questions on the airplane and your flying background. She is very thorough, experienced and capable.

 Hope this helps you out. I'm astounded at the changes in cost of EVERYTHING aviation related in the 7 years since I retired. I'm currently paying 3 times as much as I paid for similar coverage of the Debonair I owned while based in Tucson, fuel is 4 times more and the airplanes and parts are more than double what they were 7 years ago.
