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XPanel 5000 Software - Templates

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Joined: 4 years ago
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I am going to redo the panel on my PA24-260B and I came across some software called XPanel 5000

Sadly, while it has templates for the panels of many aircraft, the Piper Comanche isn't among them. I was wondering if anyone else had used this software, and if so, have they created a template. If you have done this, would you be willing to share the template.

Alternatively, can anyone suggest another software program that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?

Martin Horton 


Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

Martin, the "go to" person for Comanche panels is John van Bladeran in Oregon. You could ask him, or you could have him actually cut your panels for you. John usually says to take a photo and send it to him and he runs his can program and designs it for you.

He can be found at or (503) 329.8512  Just run your question by him and see what he suggests.

