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JPI 930 Order Question

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JPI 930 Order Question

Postby James Turner » Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:36 am


I'm in the process of ordering my JPI 930 to be fitted as a primary instrument. On the order form JPI askes the question:

"You don't have fuel pressure installed in the instrument panel, but you want it as an option at extra cost? $450 per engine"

Firstly, I couldn't understand what they were actuall asking as of course being a PA24-180 I DO have fuel pressure installed and I DO want it on the JPI. According to my avionics shop they actually want to know if the fuel pressure as currently fitted is a 'required instrument'. If it is a required instrument then it will be provided 'free'. If it is not a required instrument then I'll have to pay $450 for it...

So my question is; is the fuel pressure gauge on a PA24-180 a required instrument? I would have thought the answer would be YES given that it is installed from the factory; but I'd appreciate a definitive answer from the ICS members if someone knows...

Many thanks,


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James Turner
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Re: JPI 930 Order Question

Postby md11flyer » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:32 am

Thats a bit of a trick question. The fuel pressure guage in your panel is actually the fuel flow guage.
The factory installed "fuel pressure guage" is calibrated to read fuel flow and is called a fuel flow guage.
So you can read it both ways ... yes the factory had a fuel pressure guage installed... and... no not an actual pressure guage.
If you can get one for free, always nice as the fuel pressure is a nice addition for trouble shooting the fuel system health.
So if your new JPI gives fuel flow info, and I am sure it does, then you do not need a fuel pressure guage, but
nice to have in any case.


Disregard all above... lol.. I see you have a PA-24 180.. with an actual fuel press guage in the panel.. Sorry was thinh pa-30
Yes you should geta :free press guage with the 930.

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Re: JPI 930 Order Question

Postby James Turner » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:51 am

Cheers Gary,

lol. I see we were both posting at the same time... Thanks for your input and thanks for the clarification :)


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James Turner
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