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GFC-500 Autopilot for Comanches

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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 138
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    John Stark


    I just heard from my Garmin dealer rep. He said it’s simple. You go this link and tell Garmin you are interested.

    Click here for autopilot link

    If they hear from enough of us then they will start on our airframe as a top priority. If everyone ignores this thread and leaves it up to “another member” then it will never happen. The A36 Bonanza owners just made a run at this link and Garmin put them as top priority and now they are actively working on the STC.

    Please go to the link right now.

    John Stark
    Stark Avionics LLC
    Comanche N8029P

    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by John Stark.
  • Warren Janzen


    I’ve made my request to Garmin for the 3rd or 4th time. Everyone else jump in. A good autopilot makes IFR / cross country safer.


    Brett Goodrich


    I also registered my interest via the web link last year. The Comanche was on their STC list at the time but they have dropped it. How about going to them with an ICS group buy? I’m told that’s what the Cardinal owners did. In the meantime I’ll hit that link again…


  • William Hughes


    Add my interest too.


    Steven Spector


    Garmin uses customer airplanes to get certification of their autopilot in each type of plane. So if anyone wants a free autopilot you can sign up to allow Garmin to use your Comanche for certification. Downside is that you will be without you plane for a period of time.

    John Stark


    We will see what Garmin has to say.

    email sent to Garmin

    John Stark
    Stark Avionics LLC

  • N8029P

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by John Stark.
    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by John Stark.



    Did you get any sort of response?





    I signed up as interested on the Garmin website and also offered my PA30 to Garmin for certification work and will sign up for a group buy.

    Mike Meadows


  • Philip Slack


    I too signed up as interested on the Garmin web site. Would join in a group buy as well.


  • Jeff Hullinger


    I have posted my interest a couple times, and I have offered my aircraft for certification. I am holding off on doing a major avionics upgrade because I want the GFC-500 autopilot with it. Hopefully they will do this.


  • Brett Goodrich


    Good news! The Comanche is back on the upcoming STC list for the GFC-500.


  • Philip Slack


    Thanks for letting us know. Added my name to their “ofinterest” list.


  • 15460


    I just added my name to the GFC-500 list.



