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Garmin G5 Installation

1 Posts
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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 138
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  • #104802 Trash | Reply
    Steven Von Gruben


    I am getting ready to install a Garmin g5 attitude and HSI pair in my Twin. Has anyone done the installation and do you have any “do’s and don’ts? Where is the best place for the magnetometer on the fuselage?


  • #104807 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    I have also a few questions about installing a G5 as a back up AI in place of the turn coordinator.
    Are the speed and altitude indications certified when connected to the pitot and static?
    Are the turn coordinator indications certified?
    If I connect the G5 to the Garmin 250XL antenna, will I get a track information?

    #104814 Trash | Reply
    John Stark


    First Steven
    I have done a twin Comanche and didn’t find anything that made it any different than any other airplane. Power, ground and either an RS-232 from a WAAS certified GPS or put on a coax and antenna for the G5 directly. The tee into the pitot/static. I will give you a legal cheat. Don’t buy the expensive GA-35 antenna if you need an antenna, find a $50 used GA-56 antenna. They are certified under the G5 STC.

    Second 106292
    It’s a bit weird responding to a number and not a name but:
    1. Yes the altimeter function must be including in any pitot/static IFR cert.
    2. No the rest of the functions do not get any further certifications. Airspeed indicators aren’t certified bi-annually anyway.
    3. Yes you can put it in place of an TC. It is certified for that.
    4. No you can’t use a GNC-250XL for GPS info (legally). It needs to be a WAAS certified GPS like the GNS and GTN series.

    John Stark
    Stark Avionics


  • #104842 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    Thanks John for this useful information.
    I am Thierry and I thought wrongly that my name would appear automatically;

    Thierry Verhaaren


  • #106565 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    I am considering a Garmin G5 to replace my old HSI and upgrading my GPS to a WAAS one (possibly GNS 530).
    – Would the G5 “talk” to the Altimatic III? Heading, Nav, Loc?
    – Does the G5 have an automatic course display, which sets the course automatically all along a GNSS procedure? (This seems to be mandatory soon in Europe)

    Thierry Verhaaren


  • #106717 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    Does anyone have experienced interfacing a Garmin G5 to an Altimatic III autopilot?

    Thierry Verhaaren


  • #106791 Trash | Reply
    John Stark


    Hi Thierry,
    Yes the G5 HSI (G5/GMU-11/GAD-29B) will work well with the Century III. It will give heading bug and GPSS. You will of course need to buy the GAD-29B to interface the autopilot with the G5 and also to take the info from your GNS-530W and display it on the G5 HSI, but this piece is included with the G5 HSI.

    John Stark
    Stark Avionics LLC


  • #106796 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    Thanks John,
    This is encouraging. We appreciate your expertise as we don’t have so many people used to our old machines here in Europe.

    Thierry Verhaaren


  • #106926 Trash | Reply
    Tim Puliz


    I installed a pair of G-5’s in my pa-30. They are fantastic.
    We placed the magnetometer in the rear of the fuselage. We were able to successfully couple to my Garmin 430W and my Century Autopilot. I enjoy the GPSS steering and all of the other features of the G-5’s It was a challenge to get the settings just right. If you have questions and/or comments, feel free to contact me.



  • #106927 Trash | Reply
    Thierry Verhaaren


    Thanks Tim, and congratulations!
    Can you tell me more about the settings? Was it on the Altimatic or on some other equipment?
    Where these settings done at once in the workshop or after flying because the result was not good enough?

    Thierry Verhaaren


  • #106928 Trash | Reply
    Tim Puliz


    I’m not an expert on the installation. Initially, the G-5 HSI and the Attitude Indicator worked as advertised, but the Century 2000 autopilot would not hold the correct attitude. It turns out that this particular auto pilot still required the “vacuum driven“ attitude indicator that it originally came with. So I had to re-install the original attitude indicator and the vacuum system that powers it. I now have two attitude indicators in my panel. I only refer to the G-5 attitude indicator, but it is nice to have redundancy.

    If you would like a picture of my panel, send me your email address.

    Merry Christmas,

    Tim Puliz


  • #106943 Trash | Reply
    Jeff Hullinger


    I installed the G5 attitude and HSI in my PA-30, along with a GAD-29B that is coupled to my STEC 60-2 autopilot. No issues with the install or interface, other than my avionics shop initially hooked the GAD-29B up to my autopilot incorrectly, so it would not fly a coupled LPV/ILS glide-slope (that was on the avionics shop). I was able to remove my vaccume system, which was great! The autopilot holds course and altitude/glideslope better with the G5s. I have both a GNS-530W and GNS-430W, but only the 530 can be interfaced with the G5 HSI (only one source). Although, the G5 HSI can source more than one GPS with the newer GTN-7XX/6XX GPSs. Overall, I am very happy with the G5s and feel they are a great value for the cost.

    Jeff Hullinger
    1964 PA-30


  • #106945 Trash | Reply
    Tim Puliz


    Thanks for the post. As we all found out while installing the G-5’s and the GAD-29B, The combination of compatible, but different GPS’s and Auto-pilots require different installations. I too feel the G-5’s are a great value. I recommend them to anyone who is looking for a reliable upgrade solution to their navigation system.

    Merry Christmas,

    Tim Puliz
    1963 PA-30


