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Postby Richard Lanning » Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:00 pm

With the ADS-B deadline looming on the horizon anyone have any thoughts on a compliance path?


I checked back a year on this thread and didn't see anything on this topic.

I have a GNS430W and an MX20 installed. Am quite happy with them. I don't plan on flying above 18K though living in FL I would like to fly to the Caribbean which probably means I do need the 18K+ installation. Was hoping to hear of some new stuff coming out of Oshkosh but have not seen anything.

I have two Transponders, a Garmin and a Becker though neither are mode S capable.

Maybe by Sun & Fun there will be some interesting options.

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Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:02 pm

Richard, I've done quite a bit of reading on ADS-B, mostly because I run a charter company and my charter aircraft will need to be compliant by the 2020 deadline. I have more to say on this topic than I currently have time to type but here are some quick thoughts....


If you do some searching there are some good primers on ADS-B, the benefits, components and costs. There is ADS-B "in" and also "out". The out is the compliance issue for 2020 but there are some benefits to doing it sooner. I am assuming you've probably also done a lot of that same reading so I won't repeat it here.

If I were going to add ADS-B today I think I would do it by upgrading my mode-C Garmin GTX-327 transponder to a GTX-330ES Mode S. Note that a regular Mode-S like the GTX-330 does nothing for you. You need the "ES" (Extended Squitter) for ADS-B out. To me that's the current most logical path for me. There is also a company called Freeflight (I think) that seems to offer a range of cost effective options. Also if you have any plans for an Aspen EFD - Aspen also has ADS-B complaint options.

I think the main benefit of upgrading now, would be to get the full benefit of the ADS-B "in" traffic picture to the extent possible but the full benefit won't be there til 2020. As it stands you can get an "in" receiver inexpensively and get free ADS-B nextrad weather and traffic but... traffic is limited if you don't also have out. Lots on the web about why this is the case which I won't repeat here but the summary is that you will only see aircraft with 1099-ES ADS-B out and other aircraft provided by the UAT ground link but only when you are within about 5miles of another aircraft with 1099-ES.

All the above said, one avionics installer I talked to convinced me that ADS-B weather while good is still not up to XM standards. He said he's flown with both side by side and in addition to the well know resolution issue (XM is higher detail) the XM also refreshes more frequently. It's still a tool only for a "strategic" (never tactical) view of the weather. Don't shoot gaps with either but XM provides more timely data I'm told.

One advantage to waiting closer to 2020 is that there will undoubtedly be more products and options / more competition in the market. By 2020 anything bought today will be old technology. Most likely there will be newer technology at a lower cost in a few years.

Just my 2-cents.

- Charles

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Postby Pat Elliott » Tue Sep 16, 2014 4:08 pm

the easiet and cheapest path to 2020 ADS-B compliance for you, given that you have a 430W already installed, is the king KT-74 transponder. It's a Mode-S-extended squitter transponder. it meets the 2020 ADS-B out requirements and is about a grand cheaper than the garmin.


it won't provide any ADS-B IN features, but you'll be legal.

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Postby Richard Lanning » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:02 pm

Thanks. Shame I have two transponders in my plane and neither is going to be worth squat shortly. Now why I have two transponders is another question. Plane came that way. I'd rather have two AIs. Especially since mine already died once.


That sounds like a good approach. I am not familiar with the King model. Wonder if they are old enough to be found on the used market yet?

I would still like to get the "in" capabilities. I went to an avionics dealer who told me the Comanche is not certified for ADS-B in capabilities with the 430W. Not so sure I believe it. I fly CAP planes that have 430s and MX20s like me and they get traffic and wx.

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Postby Mark Anderson » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:16 pm



I would look at the Garmin GDL-88 antenna. This coupled with a mode C transponder and your Garmin 430W will satisfy the ADSB out 2020 requirement. Also you will get adsb traffic and weather displayed on your 430W. Probably about $6k installed. Most bang for your buck in my opinion.

With this option I believe you can satisfy the above 18k with two antennas instead of just one on the belly, install one on the roof too. Wouldn't worry about needing anything extra for the Caribbean.

Find another avionics shop, ADSB has nothing to to with aircraft type.



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Postby Charles Schefer » Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:20 pm

An inexpensive and very functional "in" solution is a yolk mounted iPad with either:


The Foreflight App and a Stratus2 receiver from Appaero (thru Sporty's) or...

The Garmin Pilot App and a GDL39-3D receiver

Both give you ADS-B in traffic and weather and a whole lot more (geo referenced approach plates etc...). Expect to pay about $900 for the GDL39 or Stratus antenna / receiver and $140 / year subscription for charts and plates on the iPad app of your choice. Plus the cost of the iPad model of your choosing.

- Charles

PS - the GDL-393D also supports most Garmin portables

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Postby Eric Jones » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:32 pm

I am in the same situation, except I have old transponder, and was looking to upgrade, but I guess as long as it works right now, maybe I should just keep it and wait until newer technology is available in the next few years..........however, if one keeps waiting, they never do anything. Any technology you buy is obsolete by the time it is put in the panel anyhow. Why do I feel that by 2020, I will only need my Ipad????? We are close to that now..........
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Postby Charles Schefer » Thu Sep 18, 2014 2:22 pm

Regarding the GDL-88 suggestion... That gives in and out capability but it is only on UAT not 1099-ES. If you plan to fly above 18,000 MSL or operate outside the Continental US then you will probably need 1099-ES.


My current plan is to get a 1099-ES transponder (Garmin GTX-330ES is my current first choice) for full out capability and then for "in" capability I will get a GDL-39 3D to display traffic and weather on both my panel mounted aera510 (AirGizmos dock) and my yolk mounted iPadMini retina. However, my short term plan is to wait... It's 5+ years til the 2020 deadline and in technology terms that 's like a century...

- Charles

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Postby Mark Anderson » Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:33 pm



Thanks for the clarification. I just read up on extended squitter; I think I understand it now. Like Richard, I am not going above 18k, however I like to fly to the Bahamas about twice a year. Just wonder if the ES is something that the FAA will require to depart or enter the US from the Bahamas? Can't imagine the Bahamas requiring it?

In your suggestion about the GDL 39 and the portable GPS, my understanding is that the only traffic you will see will be limited to other ADS-B out compliant aircraft? With the mounted 88 you will see all targets that ATC paints on radar? Guess it may not matter if everyone is out compliant.

Agree, there will likely be some changes before this issue comes to a head. If the 2020 rule sticks it will likely thin the GA heard considerably. There will likely be heaps of airplanes sitting around.



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Postby Charles Schefer » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:22 pm



Regarding the Bahamas - I'm not 100% sure. All I've read is that a 1090 MHz Extended Squitter (ES) solution will be required for any flights above FL180 or any flights outside the US. Since the Bahamas is clearly outside the US, I'd assume you need the 1090-ES based solution.

Regarding the GDL-88 vs the GDL-39... not quite. I think you're mixing up terms like TIS-B and the older TIS-A with ADS-B. There are lots of new acronyms so it does get a bit confusing. Whether or not you go with Garmin products, Garmin's website has what they call the "ADS-B Academy" and it's got helpful descriptions of all the ADS-B bits and pieces along with a lot of short topical videos. I'd recommend anyone interested check it out. Just go here -> .

Here is my understanding of some of the basics of ADS-B...

Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast or "ADS-B" transmits on two frequencies...

978 MHz which is referred to as "Universal Access Transceiver" (UAT) frequency; and,
1090 MHz which is the "Extended Squitter" frequency

978-UAT is bi-directional - it is used for ADS-B "out" data for the 2020 mandate AND for ADS-B "in" for the subscription free traffic and weather (more on those in a sec...)

1090-ES is one-way. It only sends "out" data but it is the frequency required outside the US and above FL180.

So... if you install a GTX-330ES transponder you will have the 1090-ES solution and you will be able to fly above FL180 or outside the US. But... you will not be receiving anything other than the FAA's "mode-S" traffic also called Traffic Information Service (TIS) or "TIS-A" from ATC. That TIS-A is available on ANY GTX-330 but it is only available in major areas and it is being phased out in favor of TIS-B. More on all that in a moment. Bottom line... with a GTX-330ES transponder you comply with 2020 in and outside the US at all altituides BUT you have no ADS-B in.

To get in capability you have two options from Garmin (and other providers as well I'm just using Garmin as the example).

A certified panel mount solution would be the GDL-88. This mounts in your aircraft and will receive the 978-UAT and display traffic and weather on your panel mount avionics like a 430W/530W or a newer GTN750/650. Now if you are not flying outside the US or above FL180 that same GDL-88 can also provide 978-UAT "out" for 2020 compliance.

A non-certified / not permanent but portable solution (and much cheaper) is the GDL-39 (now the GDL-39 3D with built in AHRS is available as a back up PFD on your iPad - check that out). Similarly there is the Sporty's Apaero Stratus and Status 2 which display on the Foreflight App. The solutions are 978-UAT receivers. They only do "in" they do not provide "out". They only display on portable receivers like an iPad or in the case of the GDL-39 - some Garmin portable units like the aera series.

Both the GDL-88 and GDL-39 can receive TIS-B traffic. Neither can receive TIS-A traffic which is being phased out. TIS-B is "Traffic Information Service - Broadcast" and it is the traffic part of ADS-B that you can receive. TIS-B comes via two sources... you receive it from the ground via UAT uplink on the 978 MHz UAT frequency AND... if you are outside the range of any UAT ground stations you will still see any 1090-ES "out" equipped aircraft as they will transmit directly to you. I guess that's another advantage of being 1090-ES equipped in that you are broadcasting not just to the ground but also directly to other aircraft in your vicinity. Neither the GDL-88 nor the GDL-39 can receive TIS-A which is the old "Mode S TIS" that's been around for years and is being phased out by the FAA (TIS-A is Traffic Information Service "A" where the A stands for ATC based radar). If you have a Mode-S transponder that still receives TIS-A traffic which could be linked to a Garmin panel mount unit but I don't see much point in that.

Here's a screen shot from part of Garmin's webiste that verifies this:


Let's touch on what TIS-B traffic (received by both the GDL-88 AND the GDL-39) includes... as mentioned it includes the 978 UAT unlink traffic from the ground AND any 1090-ES equipped aircraft transmitting directly. The 978 UAT uplink traffic includes ALL traffic that ATC sees.. both from ADS-B equipped aircraft transmitting to ATC via either 1090-ES or 978 UAT and also from traditional radar.

Here's a screen shot from part of Garmin's website that verifies that the GDL-39 can (just like the GDL-88) receive BOTH the uplinked 978MHz UAT picture of the traffic from ATC as well as direct receipt from 1090-ES equipped aircraft:


Here's something important to know about the 978 UAT uplink part of TIS-B traffic... ATC only broadcasts that in your direction IF you are sending them ADS-B "out" data. The way the FAA implemented ADS-B includes an incentive to reward early adopters of ADS-B "out". The free ADS-B weather (which I haven't yet discussed here - it comes under "Flight Information Service - Broadcast" or "FIS-B") is available free now almost entirely across the US (there are still a few no coverage areas but it's pretty good). It is not as high resolution as XM Weather but it's quite usable and it's FREE. You can buy a GDL-39 or a similar portable receiver and get it FREE now even with no "out" solution in your aircraft. Now... that's the weather... the traffic is a different story....

For traffic... let's say today you went out and got an iPad and a GDL-39 (but no ADS-B out solution in your aircraft). While you would get all the weather now, you would only get a limited picture of the traffic. The ONLY aircraft you would see displayed via ADS-B would be those aircraft that are already equipped with 1090-ES transponders (mostly you would see airliners). This is because ATC only transmits the 978 UAT uplink data in the direction of aircraft that are also broadcasting their ADS-B "out" position. So... you will only see 1090-ES equipped aircraft UNTIL.... you happen to fly within say 5 miles of another aircraft that happens to be equipped with ADS-B out (either 1090-ES or 978 UAT). At that point you will all the sudden start receiving the 978-UAT uplink that ATC is broadcasting towards that other ADS-B aircraft simply because you're in the vicinity. Once you have your own "out" solution then you will start getting everything all the time because ATC will be sending it to you as an "out" equipped aircraft. Now... when you fly out of an ATC coverage area you will once again only see aircraft that are "self announcing" their position via a 1090-ES transponder.

In my case, I have a aircraft with a panel mounted Air Gizmos dock an an aera 510 and I also have an iPad and a Garmin GNS480 (aka CX-80). The GNS480 has a traffic page and I could put mode S there but I'm not sure about TIS-B traffic. I love my 480 but frankly I have little desire to squeeze a traffic picture onto that small screen. I want traffic and weather displayed on my aera 510 and my iPad. So... a GDL-88 will do me no good for that. It will make me out complaint only in the US below 180 but it will NOT give me any ability to display on the aera or iPad as far as I know. That's why I favor the cheaper GDL-39. But... I still need to comply with "out" and for that I'll just swap my GTX-327 for a GTX-330ES and I'll be ADS-B out compliant both in and outside the US at all altitudes. Your situation may be different.

Another important note. Whatever ADS-B out solution you select must be tied to a WAAS GPS source. If you have a panel mount GPS that is WAAS such as the 430W/530W or GTN series then the 1090-ES or 978-UAT out solution can use that. Otherwise you may have to get a solution that includes a built in WAAS GPS for the purpose.

Hope this helps...

- Charles

Last edited by Charles Schefer on Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Charles Schefer » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:30 pm

Small correction to my previous post... I see in the GDL-39 description I posted that it can receive (directly) from ANY ADS-B equipped aircraft and not just the 1090-ES flavor. So I guess the 978 UAT out equipped aircraft are also self announcing to any "in" equipped aircraft nearby.


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Postby Pat Donovan » Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:51 pm

I also have a 430W and a GTX 327. I elected to opt for the GDL88 for $5K installed which included upgrades to all the software and the 430W DBs. The benefit to me was the traffic depiction on the 430W which is in my general scan while the iPad is in my lap. I have not had the opportunity to really use the weather depiction in actual weather yet and can't comment on that to much. I am VERY satisfied with the traffic display. I also have used ForeFlight with a Stratus for weather in the past and will probably continue with that as a bigger picture is often desirable.



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Postby Mark Anderson » Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:48 pm



Great roll up, thanks! A lot to think about for sure. I will consider trading my 327 for a 330 ES.


Now that you have the GDL-88 you could add the Garmin 210 or 110; they will both blue tooth your weather and traffic from your 88 to your iPad. The 210 adds the ability to transfer flight plans and updates to your 430/530 from your iPad. I think they are $600 for 110 and $900 for the 210. Only thing is you will have to use The Garmin Pilot APP instead of Fore Flight. They are both about the same cost.



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Postby Charles Schefer » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:59 pm



Funny timing! I just this evening (an hour ago) downloaded updates to my Pilot iPad app and lo and behold!... I see reference to these new devices. Very cool. The flight plan sync is particularly neat. Aspen has a similar thing called the "connected panel". Oh how I wish more of these cool new things would also support my beloved Garmin GNS-480 :(

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:52 pm

The FreeFlight XVR does everything the GDL88 does for over $1000 less, including a certified GPS source. In addition, it will also show traffic and weather on the legacy MFD's such as the MX20 and GMX200 as well as several newer non-Garmin displays. The GDL88 only ships data to the GNS400W/500W and the new 450/750 units. Unfortunately the CNX80/GNX480 has been deemed non-approved as an ABS-B location source by Garmin. Garmin has been promising a "software upgrade" to make the GNS 480 ABS-B compliant for almost a year now. The last word is by the end of the year (again).


As for outside the US, no one is listening to or providing data on the 978 band, so no one really cares at this time. Turn it off or leave it on. The Bahamas has no plans for ADS-B implementation at this time, but I would expect them to go with the 1090 band when they do, just as Canada, Mexico, and most other countries have announced. No one but the US is considering transmitting ADS-B in. The 978 band was created to prevent jamming of the 1090 frequency in congested airspace when all the transponders that current squawk on that frequency, all of the 1090 ADS-B transceivers, and all of the data link transmissions start operating at the same time.

I think the GDL88 will only communicate with the Garmin Pilot app on the iPad. It will not work with ForeFlight

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Postby Charles Schefer » Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:17 pm

Jim - thanks for that intel. Bummer on the GNS-480 not being an approved GPS source for ADS-B. That's very disappointing. Another reason for me to keep waiting. Does the Freeflight solution accept the 480 as a source? I suppose if not the solution is to get a model with a built in source. Will the Freeflight output data to the 480? I love my 480 and have no intention of giving it up.

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Mon Sep 22, 2014 12:56 pm

FreeFlight will accept the 480 as a source when Garmin says it is an acceptable source. This is a paper problem, not a hardware/wiring problem. I have a verbal quote for approximately $4500 for a FreeFlight box with its own internal approved GPS installed from Gulf Coast Avionics in Lakeland, FL, This includes the wiring to display the "out" weather and traffic on my MX20 and traffic on the 480. This unit does not need to get position data from any other device, a big advantage IMHO.
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Postby Pat Donovan » Wed Sep 24, 2014 7:18 pm


You are correct that the Garmin 110 210 will only work with Garmin's Pilot. What a shame! I had seriously looked at that during Airventure, but decided I wanted to continue with Foreflight rather than pay the additional Garmin DB repetitive costs. Per the Garmin representative, the rationale for only interacting with Pilot was the upload capability might be compromised with incorrect and/or malicious data going to the on-board systems. I also have been a fan of FreeFlight's products, but they won't interact with the 430W (Garmin proprietary again) and require their own iPad software to be used. I'm afraid there will be minimal mixing/matching in this game and that once you start down a path, the financial impact of changing will be larger than most of us want to absorb.

That said, I recommend deciding and proceeding sooner rather than later. In my case, the kids don't need the additional inheritance.


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Postby JIMICS2452 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:01 pm

I spent some time with a FreeFlight guy yesterday and found out that the problem with approving a 480 for ADS-B is that is does not have a position output in the RS232 format, but only in the ARINC429 format. Garmin has been promising a software upgrade for over a year to add an RS232 output, supposedly by the end of this year. For those who are not geeks that means that the language required for ABS-B position is "English" and the 480 can only do it speaking "French".
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Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:51 pm

Just a couple of things about ADS-B. When it comes to the weather broadcast, it is a blanket broadcast that anyone with a 978 receiver and appropriate means of display, who is listening in range of an ADS-B tower,will get. Traffic on the other hand is a different animal. Traffic can come in in several different ways. If you are in the vicinity of an ADS-B equipped aircraft, you will see the direct broadcast from the aircraft, IF you have or someone in your area have an ADS-B system that interrogates it on the 978 frequency, or an ATC radar or TCAS interrogates on the 1090 frequency. This can come from either 978 or 1090ES equipped aircraft, but not Mode C or S only equipped aircraft. If the ADS-B in/out equipped aircraft is in range of an ADS-B tower, then any traffic that the ATC radar sees in the area of that aircraft will be up linked. This includes any traffic that has a transponder regardless of type. Those using the "listen only" receivers without having an ADSB out source in the aircraft will not trip the uplink and thus will not see the tower transmitted traffic unless there is an out equipped aircraft within plus or minus 1800' and within 15 miles. The GDL88 hears both frequencies, but only tea mitts on 978 so it does not qualify for the high altitude mandate that piggy backs on the TCAS technology of aircraft to aircraft datalink with no ground station.


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Postby Charles Schefer » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:21 pm

An update on this thread for you fellow GNS 480 / CNX80 users out there. I spoke to Garmin just the other day on this and worked my way up thru the call chain until I was talking to a service tech. The tech assured me that a software update to the 480 is imminent (no later than just after the first of the year he said) which will make the 480 an approved ADS-B WAAS source compatible with the GTX 330-ES transponder. The tech said the unit will not need to be removed from the panel for the software update, the tech will simply remove the data card, insert a firmware update card in it's place and the update will be applied during reboot - then done. He said that there will be no cost / charge for the software update other than what your local Garmin dealer charges for the labor to apply the update.

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Postby Jerry Mazza » Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:47 pm

I agree with the comment on XM weather being superior. The resolution is great, there are never areas ( in the US) where there is no reception, and it usually updates about every five minutes. I would not fly without XM weather. When there are thunderstorms all around, it is worth every penny, and having flown with onboard radar and XM side by side, the XM is far superior, with onboard being slightly better only for the really up close weather.
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Postby JIMICS2452 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 3:14 pm

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Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Dec 30, 2014 4:07 pm

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:01 pm

Charles - I fly outside the US - Bahamas, Caribbean often, and occasionally Canada. None of them have announced any plans for ADS-B implementation except Canada in some areas over 18,000. I am not concerned with offshore ADS-B at this time.

The main reason for this purchase was to get weather and traffic for my MX20, or a possible upgrade to GMX200. Traffic requires ADS-B out to be reliable. The whole 1090 thing for offshore under 18,000 will probably not happen in my lifetime.

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Postby Charles Schefer » Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:08 pm

Thanks Jim good to know. From my reading I understood it to be that after 2020 aircraft with a UAT only solution would be stuck in the US but from your post it sounds like that's wrong and that's good to hear.

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Postby Charles Schefer » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:49 am

I just noticed something on Garmin's site. The GTX-33 remote mount transponder which interfaces with the GNS480 says "Optional 1090 MHz ES broadcast technology". Is this new? If so perhaps this is an ADS-B out solution for the GNS480. See the second bullet on the overview tab here-> ... od202.html

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:38 pm

The GTX 33 family has always interfaced with the GNS 480 for control input, this include the GTX 33ES, which supplies ADS-B out in the 1080 band. I currently have a GTX 32 in my Aztec, and it is controlled by the 480. The problem remains that the 480 is not an approved source for ADS-B position. Will Garmin ever deliver on the long promised software upgrade? I am not holding my breath!
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Postby Charles Schefer » Mon Jan 26, 2015 2:55 pm

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Tue Feb 17, 2015 1:30 pm

I have, regretfully, cancelled my order for a FreeFlight ADS-B ranger. The reason was not technical, but paperwork. I was planning on installing it in my Aztec, and had received several assurances from FreeFlight that it was covered in their STC. When I got the unit the first thing I reviewed was the installation paper work, and to my surprise there are no PA23 models in the AML (Approved Manufacturers List) that goes with the STC. With that said I could only install it with a Field Approval, which or FSDO strongly suggested was not a good idea. The good news for the Comanche is that ALL models of the Comanche are included in the list. I still think this is a good 978 solution. One of my neighbors is installing "mine" in has Rockwell Comander 112.
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Postby Charles Schefer » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:57 pm

Garmin just started shipping their GDL-84 solution. It's 978 but supports dual band in for display on an iPad vis their bundled flight stream 110 adapter (I think it's called). It's upgradable to GDL-88 if you want display on panel mount Garmins (sadly not the 480). L3 also just announced a new line of products. Not sure if any of these would be STCed for your Aztec.

For me personally I'm still aiming towards a GTX330ES for out, hoping that they add support for the 480 as the WAAS source, and for in I will get another solution.

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:34 pm

In reply to an inquiry I sent this week Field Service Engineer, Terry Clair responded that the software is complete and that they are waiting for permission to release the Service Bulletin. "It is currently scheduled for release before the end of March".
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Postby Charles Schefer » Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:09 am

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Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Apr 21, 2015 4:23 am

I will have an L3 Lynx in a couple of weeks. I will report back. The Ipad simulator looks awesome.
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Postby Charles Schefer » Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:39 pm

Zach, I've been looking at that unit with keen interest. Looking forward to hearing what you think of it. On the topic of the iPad I'd really like to see a move towards more open architecture. It's frustrating to be locked into a specific app based on hardware.

- Charles

PS - I believe the L3 unit is 1090-ES which I very much prefer the idea of vs 978 UAT

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Postby Charles Schefer » Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:44 pm

For those interested the software update for the GNS-480 / CX-80 that will allow it to work as a WAAS source for the GTX-330 / 330-ES transponder became available in April 2015.

- Charles

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Postby JIMICS2452 » Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:02 pm

I have been involved in upgrading 3 GNS480/CNX80's. It should only take about an hour. 15 minute to plug 2 different card into the data card port and let them upload the upgrades, 15 minutes to pull the radio out of the rack and mark the appropriate box on the back of the radio to show the upgrade has been done and 30 minutes to do the paperwork and print the logbook entry for the upgrade along with the bill. Garmin recommends a 1 hour charge.
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Postby Charles Schefer » Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:03 pm

Good to know Jim thanks!

- Charles

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Postby BobPicker » Sat Feb 25, 2017 10:37 pm

I would like to pass on what we accomplished during our annual this month (Feb 2017), we added ADS-B to our aircraft. We installed an Apparro Stratus ESG for out and Stratus 2si for ADS-B in. With the Stratus 2si it gets its power and info from the Stratus ESG. I then interface to everything on my iPad. On my side everything worked very well. Only had a minor setting issue, that I did not know when it took off for the test flight profile to complete the requirements to get the $500 FAA rebate. Seem our avionics shop did not reset the units status to normal after they completed the install. For testing, they have to place it in a mode that always shows the aircraft as being in the air. The tech said that he new it was not reset to normal, but I pulled it out of the hangar for the test flight while he had his head down working on another aircraft. He said he looked up and the plane was gone. When I returned and put the aircraft back in the hangar, he immediately corrected the issue in less than 3 minutes. Sure enough, the report from the FAA showed I was in the air all the time rather than indicating on the ground and in the air differently. The second attempt will wait for week or so to get good enough weather and time to re-fly the ADS-B profile and hopefully have it register correctly. Then request the report from the FAA again.

So far I like the Stratus ESG unit very much. Looks great and very easy to work.

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