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Postby Fred Honore » Sat Sep 03, 2016 3:04 am

I have the opportunity to purchase a McCauley prop damaged from a salvage 24-250. I had a local shop give me a quote to rebuild the prop and I feel it makes sense to purchase and eliminate the AD forever. Does anyone know if the McCauley STC SA00773CH which this prop requires for installation can be purchased or transferred to my airplane?
Fred Honore
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Joined: Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:34 am

Re: Propeller

Postby patbarry » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:29 pm

Fred, the best way for you to research this is to go to the McCauley website and look for the data sheet for the model of propeller that you are considering.

Your post is now eight months old so I assume that you decided what to do, but in general terms always go to Hartzell or McCauley and review the data sheet - it's the bible.

Both manufacturers have excellent tech support as well.


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