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IO-540 oil consumption

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Joined: 5 years ago
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  • #103832 Trash | Reply
    Joachim Gruber


    I guess that I’m having the honors of being the first member to post a question regarding powerplant on this new forum. I have a newly major overhauled (40 h SMOH) engine in my 260B. So far I’ve had to add a quart of oil for about every 10 hrs of flying time. I keep it at 9 qts, since I’ve noticed that anything more ends up on the belly. Would other members please let me know what their oil consumption ranges are?

  • #103852 Trash | Reply
    William Hughes


    I fly a 250. For years my consumption has been all over the map depending mostly upon type of flying and weather. Anything over about eight quarts goes over the side in warm weather. In colder weather anything over nine. I usually change the oil between 30 to 40 hours and I occasionally add a quart at about the half way mark. I won’t add oil until I see the dipstick below seven quarts.

  • #103859 Trash | Reply
    Joachim Gruber


    Thanks for the information, William.
    Does the 250 also have a 12 qt capacity (max on the dip-stick), like the 260?

  • #103861 Trash | Reply
    Andrew Foster


    Yes it does
    61 250


  • #103896 Trash | Reply
    Bob Skalka


    My IO-540 has 500 hours since overhaul and it uses an average of 1 quart per 7.5 hours. I have been changing oil every 50 hours and have been tracking oil consumption over many years. The consumption is a rolling average over the last 100 hours of operation. I keep the level between 8 and 9 quarts.


  • #103901 Trash | Reply
    Michael Neuman


    My IO-540 has a wet pump with an Airwolf oil separator. Anything over 8 1/2 qts. ends up on the belly out the Airwolf discharge. I’ve moved the discharge tube several times to keep it out of the slipstream but that hasn’t helped. What I cannot explain is why on a recent 3 hour flight at altitude and below freezing temperatures the oil level dropped from 8 1/2 to 7 1/2 with much of it ending up on the belly.

    #105692 Trash | Reply


    I got rid of my Wolf when my new rebuilt engine had internal corrosion after 75 hours. Researched and elected to get rid of it, returning to the engine what your engine is trying to vent out doesn’t sound healthy.

    my IO540 likes between 6 and 7 qts in the engine, she spits @ 7-8 qts, I use about a quart every 14 hrs.

    My issue is hot starting not oil burn.


