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IO-360 in PA-24

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IO-360 in PA-24

Postby Joshua Dickson » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:29 pm

Has anyone seen/heard of someone putting an IO-360 A1B in a PA-24 180 in place of the carb'ed 0-360. Starting to plan for overhaul and the extra 20 hp would be nice on some of my trips. If an STC does not exist, I imagine the 337 process would be pretty spending.
Joshua Dickson
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Re: IO-360 in PA-24

Postby James Turner » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:30 am

Hi Joshua,

I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure I've read that the angle valve IO360 is wider than the carb O-360 and wouldn't fit under the cowl. There is also no STC that I have heard of. Best option would be to port and polish (I think that is the term) an O-360. You'd likely get another 15 or so Hp with no mod paper work required.

When it comes time for overhaul on my -180 that is the route I'll likely go.




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Re: IO-360 in PA-24

Postby Joshua Dickson » Thu May 19, 2016 2:45 am

I have heard of the term 'port and polish' but not familiar with the process beyond that.
Joshua Dickson
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Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:18 pm

Re: IO-360 in PA-24

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sun Jun 26, 2016 5:02 am

There are 180 hp IO-360, and there are 200 hp IO-360. Differences are numerous. The 200 has angle valve cyl, tunes induction and many internal differences. Just adding fuel injection to a 180 does not make it a 200.


PS-the angle valve cyl are not any taller va the parallel valve if you include the valve covers. However, the angle valve cyl are full length through the their entire beam, as they are flat topped, and in the case of a curved cowling, they will impact the cowling at the top of the curve, where the parallel valve cyl will not.

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