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IO-320 Overhaul Recommendations

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IO-320 Overhaul Recommendations

Postby Kevin Weidner » Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:25 pm

My father and I are going through with a major on the left engine of the TwinCo and have it all disassembled. Found a badly worn cam lobe and two cam followers. Doing all the general work ourselves (A&P's) and sending components out for inspection (flying it all to Tulsa, actually) to Divco and Aircraft Specialties. Going to have to replace the Camshaft with new or reconditioned. Should I replace all cam followers or just the ones that don't pass inspection? We're going to replace everything listed in SB240W plus everything that doesn't pass inspection. Going with new factory Lycoming cylinder assemblies vs. overhauling the Superiors which have 1,200 hours on them because we haven't had the best luck with those cylinders compared to the Lycoming on the right engine. It's also so close to the same cost for overhaul vs. new that it just makes sense.

Also, the cowl flap and alternate air door control cables are getting very stiff, so we're thinking they should get new wires put in. What's the best source for these?
Thinking about going with Plane Power alternator conversion in a few years, so we're not doing anything to the generator except a general inspection and new brushes, but I think the main wire is getting brittle and should be replaced up to the nose. Is this a good idea or overkill?

Prop is also going to Tulsa to Intercontinental Jet Corp for overhaul. Their price was quite a bit below the one from Hartzell Service Center in Piqua, OH.

Any other general tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: IO-320 Overhaul Recommendations

Postby N3322G » Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:20 pm

While the engine is apart we did all the accessories as well - especially alt air box and make sure it is well-adjusted per SM. Replaced all fuel carrying hoses and wiring harness. Had engine basket O/H'd. Repaired firewall. A few years later we did all engine control cables.

Be sure to follow all break-in recommendations.

I'm an advocate of treating both engines equally, I'd do the left at the same time.


Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Re: IO-320 Overhaul Recommendations

Postby Kevin Weidner » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:58 am

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Re: IO-320 Overhaul Recommendations

Postby N3322G » Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:17 pm

Not a mechanic. The shop that did the work did a flush patch.

Kosola that did the basket O/H retired. Basket is complex - if not done correctly, big problems down the road.


Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Engine Monitor

Postby Kevin Weidner » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:35 am

Looking for the most cost-effective way to get into a 4-cylinder EGT/CHT and possibly Fuel Flow display for the twin. I'm really liking the EDM 790, but it appears I'd still have to keep the original gauges with that unit, which I'm not very excited about. What's the most economical option to replace these as primary display with a 4-cylinder version that has a lean find function? Not a lot of extra panel space available unless I can remove something like the fuel flow gauge to install the new one.

EDIT: looks like the Insight line would work well for this scenario. Either 2x G2 displays or a G4 twin for about $1,500 more. Any experience on this brand good and bad?

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Re: Engine Monitor

Postby Timothy Poole » Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:07 pm

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