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Hole in Exhaust

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Hole in Exhaust

Postby Jason Brown » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:47 am

Any ideas on where to source a set of exhaust manifolds for the Lycoming IO-540-D4A5in the PA-24-260? Just got back from an inspection and found the left manifold has a 1/8" hole and crack in it. the right side also has a crack. I was thinking of taking them off and having them repaired but i figure id only get a few hundred of hours out of a repair vs new exhausts. Any ideas? Maybe a salvage yard to try and find some used ones or just pony up the cash and get new ones.
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Re: Hole in Exhaust

Postby JIMICS2452 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:28 pm

These are my go to guys. They both sell Kinsley new systems for the same price. Good for all the little goodies - gaskets, clamps, etc. also.
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Re: Hole in Exhaust

Postby N3322G » Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:34 pm


Just had my twin's exhaust overhauled. The first set went about 6,000 hours and 40 years, I expect the overhauled ones to do the same. See photos in June Flyer on this website page 29 - here's the link ... -flyer.pdf

Hope this helps.


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Re: Hole in Exhaust

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:58 pm

Doing a limited Repair of an exhaust system usually consistes of getting very little service out of it. Overhauling your exhaust system, usually means you get a new system with maybe a small flange or something donated from the old so that it can show it has some original part. Overhauling is as good as new in my oppinion when it comes to exhaust.


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Re: Hole in Exhaust

Postby Don Ostergard » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:43 pm

Acorn Welding of Edmonton, Alberta (yes, that's in Canada) does simply fantastic work. Their workmanship and service are second to none. Don't let their location scare you - they do work for customers all over the world and are FAA approved. An overhauled unit from them might contain one original flange and the rest will be new. If I remember right, they did an overhaul for former ICS Prez Karl Hipp's Miller Turbo PA30 a few years ago - a complex piece of work that he was very pleased with. Visit them at
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