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Generator cooling tube

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Generator cooling tube

Postby md11flyer » Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:31 pm

Just started thinking about baffles and cooling and would like to throw out a question to those that converted to alternators from the factory generators. I had my original generators replaced with plane power alternators 4 years ago and at the time my AME just left the holes for the cooling tubes open. He said the tubes will direct cooling air flow over the alternator so he did not close them off.
My question is do these alternators need that cooling air? Is it just a waste of air being vented over that could be better used for engine cooling. I never have a problem with cooling except recently climbing out at full gross at 32 c and 120 mph at 2000 ft set off my jpi cylinder temp alarm which is set at 380 degrees. I only had to increase airspeed to 135 to reduce it back to 370 but suffered the convective turb for longer. I guess I could have increased back to takeoff power to get the extra fuel to help cool but its all a trade off comfort versus economy.
Anyway let me know whether or not you have closed off this cooling tube after conversion.


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Re: Generator cooling tube

Postby Kristin Winter » Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:40 am


I put in Plane Power alternators. I was told that they have internal cooling, and there is not recepticle for a cooling hose like there was on the old alternators. I cut the little periscope tube off and put a patch over the hole.

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