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Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

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Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Edward Pencosky » Sun Mar 31, 2013 2:59 pm

I have a 260c io540 fuel injected motor in my 260c. There is a smal lline going from the firewall to the top of the engine believe its connected to whats called the fuel seperator. this line runs direct and is not clamped to anything enroute. I must mention that it was tie wrapped to one of the injector lines going to right side of engine and my mechanic told me it should not be connected like that.He said leave it free and allow it to vibrate.He said if i connect it to the injector feed line it passes over that it would be to rigid that way and could cause it to break ?????????? Should I leave it unsecured from firewall to fuel seperator? THANK YOU FOR HELP
Edward Pencosky
Posts: 44
Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:17 pm

Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Kristin Winter » Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:46 pm

That line from the flow divider is for the fuel flow. It should not be tied off to the fuel injector line as it will put stress on the injector line, possibly causing it to fail. I would look for something else to secure it. Does the line pass through the baffling?
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Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Edward Pencosky » Sun Mar 31, 2013 9:30 pm

Yes Kristin it passes thru a baffling.Than turns to a rubber hose that goes to firewall. This makes sense and allows twisting or torque not putting pressure on rigid line. I just realised there was a rubber hose there.........the rigid line is not supported once it leaves the baffeling enroute to flow dividor at this point.I did realise the rigid line hit the top cowling on right side that can only be spotted by shining a flashlight from left side looking to right side above motor.anyone with a 260c should look at this with a light as described making sure there is no rubbing as you dont know its that close because you see the line not near anything than you put the top cowling on and there is rubbing. No one needs a fuel leak on a hot engine
Edward Pencosky
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Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Clarence Beintema » Mon Apr 01, 2013 1:25 am

Hi Edward,

According to FAA AD 2011-26-04 and Lycoming service bulletin 342 F nothing is to be tied the the fuel injection lines. That being said the fuel pressure/ flow line from the divider to the aft baffle should be secure to prevent it from fatiguing and breaking.


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Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Edward Pencosky » Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:25 am

thanks Clarence for responding..Are you saying I should now secure the fuel flow line to something ? as it now leaves divider and goes to baffel with no support between divider and baffel . I will not secure it to injector lines as you mentioned
Edward Pencosky
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Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:17 pm

Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby bernard nowlen » Tue Apr 02, 2013 5:35 am

double adel clamp it to the adjacent pushtrod tube.
bernard nowlen
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Re: Fuel line from fire wall to fuel seperator 260c IO540

Postby Clarence Beintema » Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:45 am

Hi Edward,

Yes I would adel clamp it to something like a push rod tube to support it. Clamps are cheap, fires are not.


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