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Exhaust Color

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Exhaust Color

Postby Jim Worley » Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:25 am

Ok all, this may be a silly question... Here it goes anyway.

What color should my exhaust stains be? Left side is mostly gray to white. Right side is much darker. Is that because the breather is on the R side and and probably puts a little oily mist into the slipstream from time to time? Is the fact that they are different a cause for any concern?

61 250, converted to IO-
540, Eagle XP cowl with dual exhaust.


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Re: Exhaust Color

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Mon Nov 19, 2012 9:40 am

You will probably find a cyl on the right side that is burning more oil. A quick check of the lower plugs in cyl 1,3,5 should tell you if this is the case. If you have a very wet cyl, then it is time to explore why. If you still have good compression, and satisfactory oil consumption, then continue flying.
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