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engine quits

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Joined: 4 years ago
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I recently had the fuel control solenoid for the right engine in my Twin Comanche overhauled.
Now whenever the throttle is brought clear back to the rear the engine quits.  The overhauler
claims this is how Lycoming set things up.  I've never had an aircraft engine configured so as
to shut down when the throttle is completely at idle.  Is this normal? 

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

Of course, the engines are not supposed to quit when you go to idle. 

The coincidence is your engine servo was recently overhauled so either the internal settings are wrong or the adjustment screw at the end of the cable is out of adjustment. 

At idle the engine should run at around 700 to 800 rpm and if the idle setting is too low then the engine will stop. 

This dilemma can be reviewed by a knowledgeable mechanic. The choices are simple --- either the servo was not done correctly or the cable connection position is out of adjustment, so it can be handled.


Joined: 4 years ago
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The fuel control servo or solenoid, whatever, was overhauled ($1,350).  Today I sent Lycoming tech

support an e-mail about the engine quitting and got a prompt response as follows:


The engine should not shut down when brought back to idle.  I am a little confused on the exact part that was overhauled, I am assuming you mean the fuel servo but if I am mistaken please let me know.  If that is the case then it sounds like the idle and idle mixture needs to be readjusted on that engine.  Usually after the servo is overhauled the idle and idle mixture screws will be adjusted for a mid-range setting which will let the engine run but it might not run well at all power settings until the idle and the idle mixture screws are adjusted properly. 

   Kurt Gibson

Field Service Technical Representative 

Lycoming Engines, an Operating Division of Avco Corporation


I printed this and Pat's response and will show them to my mechanic tomorrow.

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

Just following up ...... yes, the Lycoming tech person was correct in calling it a fuel servo (not a solenoid).

I merely wonder if your issue has been resolved? My read on it is that the overhauler feels that he set the servo to the factory settings, so that leaves the cable attachment at the servo. That is straightforward to deal with.

