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Engine Overhaul

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Engine Overhaul

Postby Warren Janzen » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:43 pm

Will I've unfortunately run up against a worn cam. Went to install new cylinders and have two lifter tappets that are badly pitted. Couple of questions for those who have gone before me.
1. Recommendation on shops that you have used? My top picks are Lycon or Pan Yan Aero. They seem to be top rated but pricey too.
2. I have found a few shops within driving distance but do a much smaller amount of business but retired guys with lots of experience.
3. Found a nice guy...never met who has 30 years experience. Recommended me send all the parts out to be repaired, send them to him when done. Much cheaper but no references.
4. Engine has 1300 hours on it. Repair only for a lot less but won't get a reset on the engine time. My engine was rebuilt in 1997, with new cylinders and reground cam.

Any advice appreciated.

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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Kristin Winter » Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:09 am

Overhaul vs. repair is a close call. I think that much depends on how long you may own the aircraft, amount of flying you are doing, and of course, your budget. If you are flying 50 hours a year and are over 60, I would likely go for the repair, especially if the compressions are all good over time. If the mechanic is good, he/she can pull the cylinders without removing the piston, though it usually takes two persons and it is easy to have the cylinder slip out unless they have the right tool to push out the piston pin.

If you think you will use up the remaining 700 hours yourself, especially if you are likely to fly another 200-500 hours after the overhaul, I would go overhaul. There is almost no depreciation for at least the first 300 hours after overhaul, based on engine usage.

As for shops, I don't know where you are located, but Lycon is excellent, but very slow. You will be down for six months. Zephyr and Penn Yan are probably my first two choices, but since I am in California, I might go with Tim's Aircraft Engines in Long Beach. They don't have the name, but they do good work. There are other regional options I might suggest if I knew where you were. The regional operations do good work, but the reputation is localized so it is not worth shipping your engine across the country like Penn Yan or Zephyr might be.

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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Warren Janzen » Sun Apr 10, 2016 1:38 am

Thanks Kristin for your response. I live in Tennessee. I flew 50 hours last year and 100 hours this year and would hope to do 100 next year. If I overhaul it, seems like I would need to fly it 500 hours to get my money's worth. Thanks for the tip, Lycon has a good reputation
Didn't realize it would be six months.
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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Kristin Winter » Sun Apr 10, 2016 2:30 am

The locals around here in California have experience with Lycon and all tell me that they are great, but god awful slow. They are a favorite of the racing set as they offer polishing, porting, balancing, etc.

G&N in Indiana might be another option. They used to have a good reputation in the Midwest. I had them do a couple of Aztec engines in the late 80's and for the 500 hours we had it in the fleet, no issues. I have two Penn Yan engines now and at 1000 hours, no issues.

Here is an AvWeb write up by the Aviation Consumer group.

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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:26 pm

G&N is not on my high regard list for many reasons. They seem to be having issues with deliverability and perhaps cash flow from some of the tales of woe I have heard recently. Signature Engines in Cincinnati would be a top pick of mine for a repair or overhaul, they do both and are quite reasonable. They have done several engines for me and repaired an engine for me after another shop, Firewall Forward in CO totally messed it up. Poplar Grove is another engine shop that has been doing good work lately after some issues a few years back. Western Skyways in Montrose CO builds a great engine, but they aren't the cheapest. Zephyr, PenYan, even the Lycoming factory might be good options to consider.


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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby SLIMDREDGER » Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:01 pm

I have 2 Penn Yann overhauls with 600 hrs that are doing well. They had a special deal on freight charges that made their pricing competitive with closer shops even though the engines were shipped cross country. At the time of the overhauls shops were busy and quoting 3 or 4 months to do the work. Penn Yann would not promise a faster turnaround, but said they would "try", They were back on the shop floor in less than two months. Had an issue with one servo, and they took care of it willingly. Al Powers N88AP
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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Kristin Winter » Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:22 pm


Thanks for the update on G&N. What else can you tell me about Signature? I understand it was set up by former T.W. Smith folks, which does not, in and of itself, fill me with any confidence. Way too many bad experiences with T.W. Smith engines back in the 80's.

I visited Penn Yan's operation last summer and it looked like a well organized, clean shop.

I know of one former Twinkie owner, Jay H, who had two engines done at Western a few years ago. He was not a happy camper.

JOOC, whatever happened to Schneck? I recall that Van Dusen bought them and then I think Aviall bought Van Dusen. Did that shop just go away or did it reconstitute itself as something else?

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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:09 am

Yes I am aware of the issues Jay had with the accessories, namely his fuel injection. I've had 4 engines from them no major issues and they were very responsive to the minor fuel pump issue I had (sent new pump) and even sent the parts for the Servo AD after it came out and their overhaul was not compliant. What's the old saying, warrantees don't cover AD's, well they did in this case. Signature seems to build a good engine. The only issues I have heard of are with their suppliers. I have had 4 engines done there two had issues, but were taken care of no questions asked (one was an under hard cam that made metal at 300 hrs in service, they covered everything, no questions asked, pulled the engine, replaced the cam inspected everything else and remounted the engine in less than a week and a half. It was a TIO-540-J2B5D so not exactly an easy feat). The other engine had a turbocharger that had an AD come out on it that was covered by them as well. Yes Bill the owner was at TW Smith, but I haven't seen any of the old TW Smith problems. All the crew is different (it's been almost 20 yrs since they went bust).I'm pretty sure you have it right with Van Dusen. I haven't heard of any reconstitution of Schneck.


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Re: Engine Overhaul

Postby JIMICS2452 » Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:48 pm

Tennessee is not that far from Florida. I would at least give Zephyr Engines a call and see what they can do for your overhaul and freight charges. 813-788-3305
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