
PA-24-250 AFM Repor...
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PA-24-250 AFM Report

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There are any difference between owner handbook 753-570 and AFM report 1127?

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

I have no idea --- 

We've been looking at the POH for the Comanches recently and the one thing that showed was that the Limitations Section (if the aircraft is under 6,000 lbs gross weight, as the PA24-250 certainly is, and is not used for commercial operation) is the only portion that needs FAA approval.

If you need a POH for your aircraft you can get one from Piper through a Piper dealer, or ICS has Webco selling the Doug Killough POH for less money. You must carry a current weight and balance in the aircraft as well. 


Pat Barry
