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stall warning/landing gear up/down indicator bulbs

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Looking for replacement bulb's for stall warning,  ldg gear up and ldg gear down indicator lights


Any recommendations or links to vendors with these items would be greatly appreciated





Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

The landing gear bulbs are a common peanut bulb. Usually, if you have a store on your airport that sells supplies you will find a supply, but, if you don't, then contact and they will send you some. They will ask if you have a 12 or 24 volt system (the Comanches are 12 volts) and you order what you want. I had a PA30 just recently with burned out landing gear up light that was inoperative and all that it took was a replacement light bulb from Spruce. Just a hint - the order desk at Spruce is sometimes not the best - I suggest that you press #6 on your phone which will take you to the front desk in the store and the guys will know. 

Joined: 5 years ago
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@patricbarry    What about the stall warning bulb?  Is it same as landing gear 'peanut' bulbs?  Thanks in advance!!!!


Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

Otto, from memory (because I've taken these things apart many times) they are the same.

But, let's verify. The parts manual identifies the part numbers, so the manual will show you exact part numbers and if they match then you are assured that they are the same. Also, just remove the cover. It unscrews, so remove it and the bulb will be open to you. 

If you are at the aircraft this is easy. 



Cliff Wilewski
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14


The stock landing gear indicator lights are GE330.  We always tell everyone at the CPPP clinics to have extra 330 bulbs for the landing gear indicators.   99 cents at Aircraft Spruce. I believe the stall warning light is the same, but I couldn't find it in the parts catalog.


William Hughes
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 49

Yes, it they are all GE330.  The holder's lens screws off and you can change them out quickly.  Be careful:  if the bulb holder starts to turn that will start twisting the wire behind and then it becomes a real bear to get in there and fix it.

