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used Osborn tip tank insti.

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used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Phillip King » Wed May 18, 2016 4:12 pm

I have a PA 24-180 and purchased a complete osborn tip tank system removed from a Comanche 250. The removed tanks were previously installed using a 337 entry. However I am being told that I must use a $3500.00 install kit from Osborn that includes the STC. My question is: Can I install the tip tanks & system on my plane using a 337 or must I use the STC?
Phillip King
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Re: used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Ed Asmus » Wed May 18, 2016 11:21 pm

I could be dead wrong and probably am so please verify. At least you could ask the question but I thought Comanches were certified with tip tanks as an option. In other words tip tanks were on the original type certificate which would mean they are not "supplemental" at all and an STC would not apply. I'm sure more knowledgeable folks will have your answer shortly. This is a good question.

Good Luck,


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Re: used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu May 19, 2016 2:10 am

Piper installed the tip tanks at the factory, but did it under the STC. They are not part of the type certificate.

For what little it is worth, I think that the requirement to get approval from the STC holder is possibly unconstitutional as it is a "taking" without just compensation by the federal government as it wipes out the residual value for someone who bought an STC. If you can find an IA that will do the work and sign it off, you are good to go. That might be hard.

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Re: used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu May 19, 2016 3:22 am

I agree with your stance but don't know if I want the fight. My question would be how to get around the "Permission" letter of the law? Do tell...


BTW, Piper did install the tips at the factory under the STC, but they bottled it as a Piper Kit, thus any factory installed Piper Kit tip tanks don't have STC paperwork, permissions or 337s. Just another little idiosyncrasy in the type that many don't understand...

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Re: used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Kristin Winter » Thu May 19, 2016 6:13 pm

If Piper sold the kit, and you can get a copy of the instructions for the kit, perhaps you can get someone to install it citing the Piper kit instructions and not the STC. Of course, if the kit instructions just defaulted to the STC instructions, then that probably won't get you very far.

It is not worth the fight if one has to hire a lawyer. It would be great if AOPA would climb on board, but not sure that would happen. I might do the install as I don't having to hire a lawyer to defend me.

As for getting around it, I am fairly sure that the only way enforcement ever happens is that the STC holder complains. If the owner has the skills, he/she could do the installation, and then at the annual the IA would only have to make a conformity inspection and fill out the 337. As the IA didn't do the installation, he/she is not in violation, as I read the reg and the statute, though it has been awhile since I looked at it.

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Re: used Osborn tip tank insti.

Postby Phillip King » Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:52 pm

Thanks everyone for responding to my tip tank question. I'm looking into kristin's suggestion as I am figuring on installing the tanks myself.

Thanks again!

Phillip King
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