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Turbo for 250

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Turbo for 250

Postby Ruy Lloyd » Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:09 pm

I everybody, I have a 250 with Lyc 0540 engine. I am interested in adding turbo for that engine. Somebody has any experience doing that??
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Ruy Lloyd
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Re: Turbo for 250

Postby LeWayne Garrison » Fri Mar 24, 2017 8:37 pm

A deceased former ICS member, Paul Nunn was working on an STC for that with the Denver FSDO when he died. (nothing to do with the turbo conversion). He worked several years on it and never got beyond the "experimental" designation for his Comanche. It worked well and was a speedster up high. I know he had to convert his carbureted engine to fuel injection. Not sure which brand turbo he used.

Bottom line in my opinion is he used a huge amount of money, and a lot of time (years) and never got it fully approved, probably not worth the hassle. But if your opinion is different you might contact the Denver FSDO and see what paperwork they might still have and you could go from there.

Hope this helps.

LeWayne Garrison
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Re: Turbo for 250

Postby Ruy Lloyd » Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:57 pm

Thank you very much for the information!!! easer to move up to pa 400!! I am thinking about!!!
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Ruy Lloyd
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Re: Turbo for 250

Postby Don Ostergard » Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:29 am

I am familiar with a locally owned 1959 - 250 which had a Rajay turbo installed at least 40 (more likely 50) years ago. The plane has not flown for about 30 years, has sat outside all its life and is slowly decomposing back to nature. The old guy died about a decade ago. He was a very successful, wealthy man but his affairs were a real mess and to my knowledge his estate may still not be settled. Given the state of his personal paperwork I have no idea where one could find the relevant STC paperwork for his conversion. If the logbooks are in the plane the mice will have long since destroyed them.
I suggest you try to contact Rajay or whoever owns them now.
Don Ostergard ICS 3263
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