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Propeller option

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Propeller option

Postby Andrew Conroy » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:35 pm

Hello everyone,

My original HC-A2VK hub and blade clamps have failed the AD test. My shop has quoted about $5000 to source out and overhaul a new hub and blade clamps. I am looking for opinions on new propellers. I have narrowed my choices to a hartzell propeller.

What difference will there be in the 2 or three blade versions. I do like the 2 blade more as far as performance goes but my ship is grounded and the engine counterweight change will be expensive. The three blade will work well with my lopresti cowling but I do not like the possible performance loss. Also the three blade is going to be heavier.

Aside from curb appeal, which I don't care about anyway, what are the differences. Can anyone provide more information? Fuel economy and speed are of concern more than cost.

Also, if I do chance my counterweights, what is required to increase my engine rpm to 2700.

My ship is a 1962 PA-24-250 with an IO540-c1B5 engine.

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Re: Propeller option

Postby N3322G » Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:39 pm


There was a 250 that air raced with us and his top speed dropped by a significant amount when he went to a 3-blade.


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Re: Propeller option

Postby Chip Sylverne » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:00 pm

Hi Andrew,

Sounds like you and I have very similar birds. Mine's a '62, but carbed 0-540 A1D5 with a Lopresti cowl. I have the 2700 rpm redline counterweight stc along with a Hartzell HC-3yk 3 blade. It's a great combination, outstanding climb performance and I can true out at 7k 24/24 at 163kts burning just over 15gph. Very smooth operation. I would expect being injected that you'd get some better fuel burn

I don't know where you are located, but if you're anywhere near the Mid Atlantic, drop me a pm or email if you'd like to go flying and check it out.


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Re: Propeller option

Postby William Mattson » Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:17 pm

Who has the STC for the RPM increase? That is something I might be interested in down the road.

Thank you,


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Re: Propeller option

Postby Chip Sylverne » Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:13 pm

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Re: Propeller option

Postby Clarence Beintema » Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:43 pm

The three blade McCauley propeller seems to have the greatest portion of the market for replacement. I take care of a number of 250's with them installed with no issues.


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Re: Propeller option

Postby Don Nelson » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:24 pm

When converted my '62 250 to the McCauley 3-blade, Eagle Cowl, and Dual Exhaust, I definitely experience greater climb rates with a feeling of greater speeds.
No scientific results, but I was a happy camper!

If you go with the Hartzell, not sure but try Johnson Aircraft for the counterweights and RPM increase.
Best, Don

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Re: Propeller option

Postby Andrew Conroy » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:15 am

Well I found a few things out through this whole process. My new 2blade JAS prop is installed and will be flying tomorrow hopefully. The JAS STC for the counterweights does not allow for the rpm increase. That conversion allows you to be eligible for it but to actually raise the rpm legally you need the Lopresti counterweight STC. I was very happy with how things came as a kit with new governor etc... Everything was there, including instructions. My only problem was that they didn't have the right size spinner for my lopresti cowling. Even though I had specified that it was for a lopresti cowling during the order no one realized that their spinner was incorrect. I discovered this at installation. Wish they would have let me know that before I had started the process. Still waiting on that to be resolved but my old lopresti spinner will work for now.

For any of you considering this change, be aware that your counterweights might not come out as they say in the instructions. After talking with JAS over the phone they informed me that some owners had to "polish" one of the cylinder base bosses to get the weights out due imprecise castings. This "polishing" is accomplished with a die grinder bit and dremmel tool.

I am anxious to get in the air after being down a month to get this propeller and Aussie horn installed with a set of gamijectors. Will have flight data soon.

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Re: Propeller option

Postby Sergei Gluhushkin » Sat Jul 01, 2017 4:35 am

We have PA24-180, to overhaul the old Hartzell prop $7.5K
Blades are good but bearings and cylinder need replacement.
Decided to go with a new one.
According to some shops Hartzell quality improved and now is on the same level as McCauley.
I like the 3 blade McCauley for looks and I understand, better climb rate.
Is this correct, any other input is welcome.
Thank you,
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Re: Propeller option

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Sat Jul 01, 2017 6:43 pm

I love the Mc 3 blade scimitar prop on the 180. It has more thrust and is just as fast down low and faster up high than any 2 bld. The new blended 2 blade Hartzell seems to be a significant improvement offer the straight blade top prop, though I haven't flown one personally yet. All are a big improvement efficiency wise over the original canoe paddle prop, especially one with undersized blades. The two blades are cheaper, but the 3 blade is my choice for the best all around performance (and looks).


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Re: Propeller option

Postby Sergei Gluhushkin » Tue Jul 04, 2017 10:54 pm

Thank you Zach!
Needed to hear this to justify extra spending.
See you at KOSH.?
I was told McCauley will offer 15% off list at the show.
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