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Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

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Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Vince Hoffart ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:53 pm

I have the piper brake calipers on my 250.

Any significant reason to install Clevelands someday?

We just rebuilt my brakes and found that I will need a replacement caliper eventually on one side and I was going to get a used one from but they also have used Clevelands. Didn't know if I should just convert both to Clevelands or stick with one used replacement Piper product.

Thank you for your time.

Vince Hoffart
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby JIMICS2452 ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:32 pm

They are all Cleveland's. That's where Piper bought them. The parts manual reference the Cleveland Part Number in the description.
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby William Hughes ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:48 pm

Check with Webco as a newer style brake caliper can be much easier to bleed properly than the original style caliper system.
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Vince Hoffart ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:38 pm

Thank you
Vince Hoffart
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby LeWayne Garrison ยป Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:57 pm

All are Cleveland as stated. If you can find a used one it should be a lot less expensive than a new one. I have seen them repaired also. Is the problem pitting in the piston chamber?
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Kristin Winter ยป Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:51 am

Cleveland has a kit that converts to the bolt on discs rather than the riveted ones. The kit has new wheel halves and discs. It does not change the calipers. I have done a few conversions on a field approval to the latter style brakes and wheels and also converted to single fork main gear.
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Vince Hoffart ยป Tue Jan 17, 2017 2:54 pm

LeWayne the issue being repaired originally was significant leakage from worn piston o-rings but a couple of hairline cracks were noted so I thought I'd get newer versions of calipers (but used) and rebuild them.

Kristen I am interested in the single fork strut upgrade also when my struts need rebuilding of its reasonable regarding parts. Looks like we should talk sometime.

If I acquired the newer version (still used) of the brakes that are easier to bleed can they be installed on the older wheels I currently use?

I'm assuming I need a different brake line also?

Thank you for your guidance.

Vince Hoffart
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Kristin Winter ยป Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:46 pm

The problem you have with the single Comanches is that most all of the equipment is spelled out in the Type Certificate Data Sheet, and that makes a change that removes the specified component and installs one not listed for your model or serial number, a major alteration by definition. Thus a field approval is required. This is not too difficult as there are numerous examples which can be used to obtain such. The parts are often a bit pricey, depending on what you can find. Webco has done a bunch of these and sold the parts to accomplish it, so you might start there, at least to find out what the options are for your aircraft. I attached the TCDS so you can see what approve options exist and which will need a field approval.
PA-24 TCDS.pdf
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Re: Piper vs Cleveland brake calipers significance

Postby Vince Hoffart ยป Sun Jan 22, 2017 6:32 am

Thanks again Kristin!
Vince Hoffart
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