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New discs

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Hi gang. I’m a new owner and learning everyday. I have a 62 250. Mechanic says I need new brake disc and pads (and some other items as well). My question is what options are available? I have Cleveland bolt on now. Quote I received for Cleveland discs was $1400 for a set. This seems a bit staggering to me. Is there a part number are can search by with other vendors? Thanks in advance 

William Hughes
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 49


The Cleveland bolt on style are the most practical and a much better option than those of us stuck with riveted brake discs.  So you have that going for you.  A few years ago I went through a lot of hassle on my 250 to replace the wheel assemblies so that I could use riveted brake discs.

The above link is a catalog for the supplier of the brake discs.  Note that it is dated 10/25/2018 so be careful about revision history.  Page 1-22 has the PA-24 on it and you can then cross-reference your serial number to the figure to determine which of the two wheel assemblies you may use (40-58 or 40-84), and moving to those figures will give you a choice of between two and six different types of discs you can choose from.

Some are more expensive than others and this is where you can start making some value choices.

Personally, I do not compromise on the engine or the wheels in an airplane.  One makes it go and the other stops it before the end of the runway.  But other people have different opinions on this and particularly the matter of how often it flies and what environment it is stored in is important.  If you don't fly her often and park outside I'd recommend chrome.  If she is a workhorse with a hangar then steel is fine.

Note that these brake and wheel systems have many parts in common with Piper Pawnees, and since these are working spray-planes, you can sometimes get a pretty good deal on parts.

You should be able to find one plain simple brake disc for a bit over $300.  $1,400 for a pair is a bit pricey to me as well.  But not completely outrageous either.  You can sometimes find used serviceable ones for less but I'd go with new.  See above about compromises and wheels.

Good luck!



Joined: 5 years ago
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Thanks William. Mechanic is working on them this week. Hopefully have it back mid week and then reinstall 430 with waas upgrade
