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Cracked Trunion

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Cracked Trunion

Postby Tony Pitout » Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:20 pm

Hi all Im busy servicing/rebuilding/repainting my PA30 undercarrage. The reinforcing web in the RH trunion is cracked and the LH has a thick replacement web welded into the spot. Firstly, is this an acceptable repair and secondly, who fixes these things? In based in Durban, South Africa. I'm reasonably happy to send them to the USA for repair
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Re: Cracked Trunion

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:45 pm

Sounds like one has been modified already. That is most probably an S&B repair, and they are the ones that do most of the trunion repairs. S&B Industries Inc. Murray, UT, USA 84107


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Re: Cracked Trunion

Postby Kristin Winter » Wed Feb 22, 2017 3:55 pm

Assuming that is an S&B repair, and sounds like a repair that they do, it is approved and so repaired comes with an 8130. Also, check the nose gear drag links for excessive over-center. This is part of AD 77-13-21, Para A as described in SB 782B. If they are not within spec, Bruce at S&B can fix those too.
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Kristin Winter
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Can I revive this discussion.  I have a cracked right hand trunnion with left previously repaired.  I believe S&B are no more.  My aircraft is in annual and I would hope for a solution asap.  Either a second hand trunion or a reliable quick repair solution.

William Hughes
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@torquil There is a new trunnion option from the Australian Chapter of the ICS.  They are currently looking for orders to manufacture new trunnions.  For items in a hurry I suggest you give Webco a call and see if they can help.



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Sorry to offer a correction - the latest news is that Johnston Aircraft in Tulare, California, will be the importer of the new production. Call Dave Johnston and give him an order. Webco can install it for you, of course.

A welder in Wisconsin is looking for a cracked trunnion if you would donate the old, cracked one. It will be a donation but the welder will pay for the freight.


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Posted by: @patricbarry

Sorry to offer a correction - the latest news is that Johnston Aircraft in Tulare, California, will be the importer of the new production. Call Dave Johnston and give him an order. Webco can install it for you, of course.

A welder in Wisconsin is looking for a cracked trunnion if you would donate the old, cracked one. It will be a donation but the welder will pay for the freight.


Hi Pat, Is the Wisconsin person intending to get a weld repair approval from the FAA? I had heard weld repair approvals were no longer gong to be issued?

This post was modified 4 years ago by Alan Breen

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Alan, I've been given permission to mention the pricing on the latest production of the Australian trunnions - one for $7,500 or both sides for $14,000. They are ready to take orders. Johnston Aircraft is the importer so if owners are willing to pay the price they are available.

There are a few businesses looking to get a weld approval.

AC43 states that welding landing gear is not approved, but that's generic. It means that an IA cannot simply pick up a landing gear and weld it, but a repair facility can get a weld approval if it submits a welding plan to the FAA and gains approval. 

There is a welder in Wisconsin who has asked for a loan of a cracked trunnion so he can show it to the FAA ACO inspector in his area to help explain why a trunnion can be repaired, and how. This is an avenue to a repair that is needed so if you can help please call me  (949 362 1600).




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I have a cracked RH trunion that I found over the weekend. I've heard that S&B is no longer an option. I don't have the money for an Australian Trunion. Any updates on the Wisconsin welding or avenues to get a salvage part?


Much appreciated,

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Hi Matt,

Pat Barry probably has more up-to-date info on the "Wisconsin Welder" but I would definitely keep checking the salvage yards. You might want to try Lucky at Air Salvage Dallas ( I think a Comanche went down here in N Texas not too long ago and it may have not been damaged too badly.

Good luck,
Dave Clark

Merl Ledford
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7860P is AOG (my call) with right trunnion leak from unusual crack in the column we discovered yesterday following reseal.  The great folks at Webco are hunting for serviceable used for me.  

Has anyone had recent experience with Aussie trunnions?  Price is daunting. But 60P is a keeper so I'm willing to spend if it means a permanent no-future-hassles fix.

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Merl, the group in Australia told me a week ago that the trunnions are ready to ship but they were / are waiting on CASA to give the final paperwork approval. Stay in touch with Dave Johnston at Johnston Aircraft in Tulare, California, since he is the importer. 

We are uncomfortable with the prices as well, but it is what it is and while many folks here expressed confidence in their ability to build a replacement the limitations imposed and expense of liability insurance made the Aussie horn the best price. 

I did try Piper and they just flat out would not build a supply, the parts person being honest and saying that he just didn't have time. That was daunting. 

Personally, I would wait for the Aussie supply since it should be great quality.



This post was modified 3 years ago by Pat Barry

Merl Ledford
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Thanks Pat!

I sourced an excellent used trunnion from Texas Air Salvage and was back up pronto. Still, will hold my nose on price and get two Aussies after the 1st when our 240 hr/year flight commitments ease up a bit and the prospect of a big tax hike comes into better focus.

Anybody think it smart to change my wishbones for single fork gear legs when I dig into the mains again? The 260/400 forks look cool; but would there be any meaningful speed gain over my gear faring-assisted wishbones?

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Merl, the single fork oleos have an advantage in that the outer fork doesn't hang down in the airflow. I can't quantify the speed gain but there has to be some .... might be just a few knots but there will be a gain. 

You reverse the brakes, of course - that's a log book entry change. 

Without question changing the early model oleos for single fork is a popular change so if you are inclined to do it then you should. 


Graham Bunn
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The Australian PMA has been issued and the first batch of Oleo Housings, aka trunnions, has left Australia and will shortly arrive in California/Europe, and of course in Australia.

They have almost all been sold before they have even arrived at their various destinations. We have already sought a quote to confirm a price for another batch.

The image was taken in the dispatch office at the manufacturing shop. 

To remind anyone who may not know- they fit all Comanches; all singles, all twins, single fork, double fork, and both kinds of squat switch. No modification to your aircraft is required. 

Merl Ledford
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Thanks for the info on single fork main gear struts.

Getting 60P back up with a used trunnion proved a good choice vs. waiting for new Aussies: after final practice runs with me and with Aaron Slaven, her CFI, the 22-yr-old “junior pilot” on our insurance passed her instrument check ride in 60P today!

I’ll install Aussie Trunnions in the spring. But it was well worth spending several extra AMUs on an interim fix to speed our youngest Comanche pilot reach her goal.

Now, onward for her Commercial!
