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brake disks 61 250

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brake disks 61 250

Postby paul » Wed Nov 11, 2009 8:24 pm

The disks on my 1961 pa24-250 need to be replaced. The brakes had been moved to the inside before we bought it. My AME purchased the required Cleveland parts (riveted disks) but is unsure of the procedure to change them as he has never seen this type before. Any information that I can pass on to him would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby DAVEG24 » Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:52 pm

It's not a difficult job, but before beginning, make sure that there is equipment to buck the rivets. After demounting the tire from the wheel, drill out the old rivets. Don't try to drill through the rivet. Just drill the head and using the same size drill as a mandrel, insert it into the hole just drilled and wiggle it around until the head pops off. Then use a punch to drive out the rivet stem. The wheel has a shoulder cast into it, so in theory the new disc can only go in so far. Don't count on that. Place the new disc into the wheel and measure the distance from the wheel edge to the disc plate. Adjust accordingly so that the disc is parallel to the wheel all around. You then need to drill holes in the disc, so that the rivets will fit. Drill and cleco each hole as you go around the wheel. Check the disc for movement after each hole is drilled. The disc must be parallel to the wheel. After all the holes are drilled, set the rivets. Like I said, it's not a difficult job, and it's not that time consuming. Good luck.

Dave Gitelman

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Postby paul » Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:01 am

Thanks Dave for the info.
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