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Annual Inspection

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Annual Inspection

Postby Mark Anderson » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:34 pm

Below is a link to a webinar on annual inspections by Mike Busch. I found it very enlightening, educational, informative and useful for myself. I think it would be especially good for new owners. In a nutshell it describes how to manage your annual inspection instead of it managing you. Some of the thing that stuck in my mind are: more maintenance is not better in many cases it causes problems, infant mortality rate on new parts (if your old part is working, don't replace it), manufacture reccomended replacement intervals are written for the worst aircraft in the fleet( tied down on ramp in Key West, that flys very infrequently) instead of your plane in a hanger in Colorado that flys often. It is about a 1:45 minutes but worth the time. I plan to listen to all of his webinars.

Thanks Mark

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Re: Annual Inspection

Postby Michael Rath » Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:08 am


Good call on the video! Every aircraft owner should watch this, and every MX shop should watch this presentation. The best I have seen on this subject!

I have to say that I have been disappointed with the few phone calls I have had with the Comanche specialist shops. I have been looking for a good place for an annual and I am willing to travel but so far it seems like "bring your airplane and drop it off, we have no idea how much it will cost, we will let you know when it's done". I understand that they can't give you an exact price but they should be able to say that the base annual inspection takes xx hours and cost xxxx dollars. Then after they do the inspection they should let you know the squawk list and you and your IA can decide what gets fixed. This is all covered in the video.

The presentation said the shops to avoid are the ones that inspect then fix, inspect then fix, inspect and fix.

This is a must see video.

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Re: Annual Inspection

Postby John Wedge » Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:25 pm

Michael, I can say that Clifton Aero at 7F7 does business as described in this video. Set annual insp and then all discrepancies, recommended repairs or just nice things to do to make it better are discussed with you and you make the decision on how you want it done or where you want a item to be sent out for repair. It is a clean, well organized, friendly shop with very experienced Comanche A&Ps and IA owner.
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Re: Annual Inspection

Postby N3322G » Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:59 pm

It took me quite awhile to settle on a long term maint shop. All have their strengths. I like to be involved so I stay with the plane about half the time - which I can only do now that I'm retired. Clifton welcomes me with a step stool so I can still get on the wing when the plane is on jacks. Here's what I wrote after the first annual there - recognize that nobody is perfect.

Page 28 et al ... -flyer.pdf

Hope this helps - wish others would write about their annuals.

Michael - noticed you are in Spearfish SD - ran an air race to there once - very nice reception. Don't' know if you've tried Heritage Aero in Rockford IL. I haven't used them but I have heard great things about them and have met Cliff Wilewski, the owner.


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Re: Annual Inspection

Postby Michael Rath » Sat Dec 24, 2011 7:23 pm

Thanks for the recommendations Pat and John. I will check them out.
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Re: Annual Inspection

Postby Mark Anderson » Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:07 am

John, thanks for the info on Clifton Aero. I go right by there, 5-6 times a year going to Brownwood,TX. A little far for an annual but if I ever have trouble out that way, I know where to go. Over all I am happy with my shop. Armed with the information in this video I hope to gain more control of the process. I think the important thing to avoiding the inspect, fix , and inspect fix, that Michael mentions above , is to insist on a three part process .

1. Complete the full inspection.
2. Discuss the descepancies and estimated price to repair and reach an agreement on items to fix.
3. Do repairs and return the airplane

Communication is the key component here.


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