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250 recurring AD's

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250 recurring AD's

Postby Michael Rath » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:16 pm

I'm trying to figure out all the recurring AD's on my 250. I know of the two with the gear but not any others. I have not gone through all the AD's yet. Just wondering if there is an easy place to look for recurring ones. If not I can go through them one by one.



Michael Rath
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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby David Pyle » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:00 pm


Suggest that you refer to the records that came with N8038P. Likely that between the logs and a well-kept AD compliance master list you can identify recurring ADs. The list is short and the one that causes the most problems (and sometimes overlooked) is AD 77-13-21 part C. Also you should consider Piper SB 1189 which is about to become an AD. I'm sure you checked these when you bought the 250 as they would affect the sale.

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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby Michael Bryant » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:20 pm


The complete list may be found on at .

Just select "By Make" on the left. Then "P" at the top. After that loads, scroll down to Piper Aircraft, Inc. and then select the PA24-250.

I am in the process of purchasing a Comanche and made a spreadsheet from the AD list to help in my search.

Here is the one for the PA24-250, current as of Nov. 1, 2011 to the best of my knowledge and ability.

Best of luck,


Comanche PA24-250 Airframe ADs.xls
PA24-250 AD Excel SS
(29 KiB) Downloaded 48 times
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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby Michael Rath » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:28 pm

The airplane does have good records. Like I said, I need to go through them one by one. I know of the 1000 hour gear ad which was complied with a few years ago. I also know of the bungee cords that need to be replaced every three year and I know of the upcoming elevator horn AD. The horn was also inspected a few years ago and found to have no cracks. I'm waiting to see if there will be a fix that does not have a recurring inspection.

I guess I was looking for a "here is a list of the recurring ad's for the PA28-250". I will dig into the records when I get back home and go from there.

Thanks for the spreadsheet Michael, I'm going to use that!


Michael Rath
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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby N3322G » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:03 pm


The mechanic that now does my annuals does create a recurring list of ADs but he's the first one to do that.

FYI, about 3 years ago a Twin owner, engineer and DER, Hans Neubert, did a bungee study and while the AD calls for replacement every 3 years, his assessment indicated the gear system has less stress with new bungees so I now have the Twin's changed every annual - they are not very expensive.

Welcome to Comanche ownership.


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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby Michael Rath » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:26 pm

That's a good idea, I think I might change all the bungees every year.

I also think I will create a list of the recurring AD's. It will save time and money in the long run.


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Re: 250 recurring AD's

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:02 am

I suggest enrolling in ADLog. It is WELL worth the minimum cost per year. It is a great system, and makes log work very easy, as well as keeping track of AD's in a very organized, know at glance where you stand, way. As for a master list of all AD's, it really depends on your airplane. Yes there are airframe AD's, but there are also AD's on accessories, engines, avionics, seatbelts, beacons, vacuum pumps, props, filters, lights, etc. You need to run any and everything that is attached to the airframe, in addition to the airframe to have a complete picture of what AD's are applicable to you. Once again, ADLog can help with that. They have an initial setup questionare that covers most of this. When I buy an airplane, ADLog is the first thing I do. It takes a little bit of digging for the initial setup, but once you have it...they even send you a custom current AD listing every year at annual time for your mechanic to crosscheck, and they will send you a current one anytime by request. They do a really nice job with the service.
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