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Tip tank nav/strobe switch

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Tip tank nav/strobe switch

Postby William Mattson » Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:23 pm

I have a 250 Commanche with tip tanks. About a week ago the nav circuit breaker popped. After resetting the breaker only the left wing works. I'm getting no power to the right nav/strobe.

The AP said it might be the switch (he'll check this week), but has been unable to locate a replacement. Does anyone know a good source? Does the diagnosis sound reasonable?


William Mattson
Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:23 pm

Re: Tip tank nav/strobe switch

Postby md11flyer » Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:20 am

Not really, If the switch was the cause then all the nav lights would not work. I think you have a wiring problem to that Nav light.
Also since the nav light does not work on that side and the others do without the breaker popping means the wire has been broken and now the loose end is causing an intermittant short.
Have you had any work done lately? You mention strobes, are they on the same switch?

Good Luck,

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Re: Tip tank nav/strobe switch

Postby 9089P » Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:38 am

I wouldn't think the strobes are on the same circuit if this is a stock set up.

I lost my left wingtip strobe one time and it turned out to be a short caused by an inspection plate screw, which was overly long, going up an pinching the strobe wire which was run thru the wing at that point. Shorter screws fixed the problem. I would pull the tip and check the wires (nav only) with a meter. Are you getting 12v or continuity to ground?


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Re: Tip tank nav/strobe switch

Postby William Mattson » Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:52 am

They are on the same circuit. The switch has three positions off,nav, nav and strobe. I have taken the tip off and no power at either of the two. I just had HID lights installed, but that was 15 hours ago.

Thanks Bill

William Mattson
Posts: 63
Joined: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:23 pm
