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PA30 Alternator question(s)

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PA30 Alternator question(s)

Postby Frank Brunot » Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:27 pm

While doing some more aircraft systems studying, ran across a question:

Was the Alternator PARALLELING system an option for the PA-30?

What was the advantage of the PARALLELING system over the "regular" system?

I'm assuming that since I don't have the Alternator Inoperative Lights, that I have the NON-PARALLELING system.


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Re: PA30 Alternator question(s)

Postby Kristin Winter » Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:10 pm

Paralleling was not an option in Twin Comanches, but was installed standard on about the last eight produced. From the mid-60's until 1972, Piper was in love with using a single regulator to control two alternators. One problem is that in the case of an overvoltage, both alternators are shut off. Given the lack of a warning system, and the poor instrumentation of the electrical system, the pilot doesn't typically notice the problem right away. I hate the system and have had a lot of trouble with it in various Piper twins over the years. I got rid of it in my PA-30 by going to the Plane Power system. Much better.
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Re: PA30 Alternator question(s)

Postby Frank Brunot » Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:12 pm

Thanks, Kristin.

Since the full Aspen glass panel system is going into the bird next month, guess I'd better look at an electrical system upgrade.

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