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AVTEK PULSAR for landing lights

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Jeffrey J
Joined: 4 years ago
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I recently replaced the older landing light bulbs with Whelen LED lights and the AVTEK PULSAR unit no longer makes the lights flash. And remedies will be appreciated.

William Hughes
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 49

Interesting.  Likely the light flasher is based on heating due to the seven amperes of current going through each old style landing light.  The LED lights use significantly less current and might not draw enough to trip the flasher.

Can you post some technical info, or a datasheet, of the Avtek unit?


Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 59

I've installed the Whelen lights and they require a power supply which is, basically, a condenser which draws power and emits it to light up the lights, but is a digital system. But your Pulsar system is analogue and probably is many years old, but analogue and the Whelen power supply are incompatible.

If you call Whelen they say that the two systems are incompatible. What do they suggest (other than dismantling the system?). They will suggest that you use a system named Max Pulse. The seller is a company named Seaton (I don't have a city location so Google and see if you can find Seaton). I believe that the Max Pulse is originally an automotive product that has been extended to aviation, but it might be sold for experimental (uncertified) aircraft. You could overcome that with a 337 so talk to your FSDO or your IA and get a suggestion. 

It sounds that your Pulsar is no longer usable with your new Whelen system, but what does Pulsar offer, if anything?

I assume that you do know that Whelen sells the Orion 600 system which is a combination position light, and flashing light? This might be the answer, although the units cost $$


Jeffrey J
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Thank you for the response.  My mechanic is in line with your opinion.  The next posted reply states they are incompatible however I spoke with Whelen technical before installing the new LED lights and they stated the lights would work ok.  I guess they were wrong.

Jeffrey J
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Thank you Pat for the response.  Avtek Pulsar is no longer in business.  I have looked at a different system, which was not the Max Pulse and they are upwards of $1,500, which is too rich for my blood. The pulsating lights Whelen sells look good until one malfunctions and then they would be costly to replace.  I will remove the Pulsar system and add it to the relics I have removed over the years. 😃 



Jeffrey J
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Pat, I just got off the phone with Seaton regarding the MAX PULSE system and their system is sold by Spruce for $298 and they are STC’d.  Looks like an easy installation.  In addition Seaton also makes the dimmers that you can order with Nulite lighting systems.  I spoke with their technical department.  The website is:

Thank you,




Pat Barry reacted