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Alternator Whine & Voltage Regulator

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Alternator Whine & Voltage Regulator

Postby David Pfeffer » Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:49 pm

Hey Gang,
Anyone have a good alternator noise suppressor they’ve had good experience with?

I have an alternator whine (a whinning noise that varies with engine RPMs) coming from my R/H engine alternator. I’ve already replaced the ground wire to the alternator and checked the ground at the intercom. I have a new alternator capacitor and even the larger spike guard capacitor on order, but assuming they don’t work, will install an inline noise suppressor to filter the current prior to entering the DC buss.

I have experience with smaller filters for specific radios, but haven’t ever had to use a larger 70-100amp style filter for a whole buss. Anyone have experience with this one from Spruce (linked) or any others?

On a related topic- that same alternator is regulated to 14.5V, which is obviously high. The current original style voltage regulator is not adjustable. The 14.5V isn’t causing a problem necessarily, but with the way the PA-30 buss is set up, that alternator is probably doing most of the work (the L/H alternator is regulated at 13.7V typically). Anyone swapping out voltage regulators with the newer Plane Power Powerflex regulator or any others? There’s plenty certified options available to choose from. I’m running the InterAv 50 amp Alternators (Model 1255A).

Thanks! :mrgreen:

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David Pfeffer
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Re: Alternator Whine & Voltage Regulator

Postby Joshua Dickson » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:29 am

Wow, no replies. I am installing the plane power R1224 to replace the InterAv that just went Kaput in my PA-24. I will let you know how it works out. No whine in my system. KX-165/155.
Joshua Dickson
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Re: Alternator Whine & Voltage Regulator

Postby VANBLADEREN » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:05 pm

Hi, one the reasons that alternators whine is failing diodes. If the filter does not work, check the diodes.



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Re: Alternator Whine & Voltage Regulator

Postby William Mattson » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:18 pm

I had an old alternator that I had overhauled. It took away the whine for awhile bad diodes. Three months later it started again. I switch to Plane power, very little whine now if landing lights are on, and more power at lower rpm. I also switched to Concorde battery. I was fighting little electrical gremlins for a year or better.


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