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PA-30 questions

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PA-30 questions

Postby Larry Martin » Fri Dec 16, 2016 7:40 pm

A couple of questions came up, that I would like to ask, since I can not try it on the airplane for a while.....

Has anyone timed how long it takes to run an engine dry on the ground idle with the fuel selector off?
(I tried to search the forum, but it said that "fuel" was to common of a search term!?)

Can you modify anything to allow the external plug connection to charge the battery? (I'm electrically challenged) My only thought at this time would be to turn the master on, but pull the CB for the electric gyro.... good, bad, ugly?



Larry Martin
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Re: PA-30 questions

Postby LeWayne Garrison » Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:19 am

Not sure how long it takes to drain the lines at idle. Have seen more than one Comanche start up, taxi out, do run up and then engine dies from fuel selector off. So about 6-10 minutes at low power settings. Have seen one accident on Brand X airplane where engine quit just after climbing to about 50 feet. That is why I never turn fuel valve off unless I'm working on fuel system.
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Re: PA-30 questions

Postby Larry Martin » Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:03 am

That's what I thought. I like to drain my tanks at the end of a flight. If I drain at the start of the flight, I will make sure that they are in the main position, and I do not move it from that position until I am airborne and want to use the aux tanks. I have had other airplanes that would run too long with the fuel off. I am pretty set in my ways that you should not be selecting other tanks on the ground before take off. Taxi in I don't care, but in my opinion start to airborne should be on the tank for take off.


Larry Martin
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Re: PA-30 questions

Postby N3322G » Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:12 pm

On TwinCos SB says sump before first flight of day and after last flight of day. Ctach and check for contaminants.

Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer ICS 08899
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Re: PA-30 questions

Postby MULEFLY » Sun Dec 18, 2016 2:34 pm

I don't think using the external power connection is a way to charge the battery... IIRC there is a solenoid in there that blocks the battery from receiving power thru the external connection. I have a "pig tail" -- that I have connected to my battery that I used to connect a on demand charger that provides no more than 1 1/2 amps... works great.
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