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PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

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PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby David Pfeffer » Mon Oct 01, 2012 2:37 pm

Morning gang,
Does anyone have digital copies of their PA-30 checklists they can share?


If you can't post them, please email me at

Greatly appreciated!! :mrgreen:

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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby md11flyer » Mon Oct 01, 2012 3:01 pm



I made my own checklist that I have on my Ipad and a paper copy. I will attach it but It is not your
standard "full Checklist" It is only a Killer item checklist itemizing the things if forgotten could cause damage to the airplane.
I have taken the Boeing philosophy and use a flow scan and the items that are so called killer items are only checked.
For instance my approach checklist is only Altimeters set. You could also add nav aid checked and identified, fuel sufficient etc, but
I chose to leave them off as they can not be forgotten in the course of flying... as least in my book.. Ie switch to another navaid ident..
Go ahead an make comments on the checklist if you think something is missing.. maybe I forgot to put it in> :wink:

Anyway here it is.

Pa 30 checklist
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby N3322G » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:41 pm



We have the one that came with the Twin and was slipped in the visor clear sleeve and it is pretty short. Good enough.

Fully laminated 8.5x11 comes from Glen Plymate and we bought it at sporty's or some other place like that. Better.
The Killough POH has one in section 4 and perhaps so does the POH of your twin.

Best is the 12 pages that is in the POH from CPPP course.

They also put together a fabulous airline style Emergency procedures handbook for the plane. What to memorize and what to look up. It is superb.

Hope this helps.



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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Steve Gruber » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:20 am

here's mine for a pa24-250 3227, it is not for a twin but the i like the format i used, it prints in 2 pages i put in a clear sheet protector, the front is the normal stuff and the back is emerg etc..i color coded by category of items i.e. red is emergency and green is good!
i built this by going through the modern poh and created the check list, i'm just offering it as a template if you happen to like it.
good luck


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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Don Nelson » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:49 pm

FWIW here's mine, custom made by and for me, tho still tweaking it.
I trim the 2 columns down, use double sided tape to stick them together, back to back, optionally upside down from one another so I flip it vertically.
It's also set up so that I can fold it to a nice convenient little square.
On my Ipad too, but easier to grab and use the above.
PA 30 ckllst 1234.doc
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Jay » Sat Oct 06, 2012 5:49 pm

I use a Checkmate one page (front and back) laminated Checklist to back up my flows. It isn't perfect (it's for a generic PA-30) but it is convenient and easy to use. I also have the Quick Reference Handbook from the Comanche Pilot Proficiency Program. That IS airplane specific, and is my go to if I need to look something up quickly or in the event I need to do trouble shooting. I find that the combination of doing flows, backing them up with the one page checklist and then having the QRH available is a good one for me.



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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Don Nelson » Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:02 pm

Good point Jay.
I agree and also have the QRH immediately at hand should I need it.
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby David Pfeffer » Tue Oct 09, 2012 5:52 pm

Thanks all. Greatly apprecaited! I use the flow method as well, but verify on the checklist. Here's what I came up with. It still needs tweaking. It gets printed front/back, laminated, and spiral bound. It's a tad bit taller than an approach plate but about the same width. Staples will laminate/bind for about $5-7 if you bring them the printed copies.
N3088G checklist (small version).doc
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Wed Oct 10, 2012 1:38 am

If you don't mind my comments here, but this is a checklist, not a how to manual. When was the last time you read a checklist while you were taking off. You could probably do away with a significant portion of this, enableing you to make it even more compact if you kept the minimum: Preflight, Before Start, Before Taxi, Before Takeoff, After Takeoff/Climb, Descent/Approach, Before Landing, After Landing, Parking, are pretty good titles to stick with for a real checklist (not a how to list). Put the how to stuff on a separate supplementary procedures page if you want to keep it handy. Shorter is better! Kill me items are my preference. Lets face it, if you forget to turn on the master or the mags, you arent going to die (you won't be going anywhere either, but... Embearassing, maybe, but not deadly!


Really, FD BLT CI (Fire Dept. makes good B.L.T.'s and Controls Ice- F(uel)D(oor)B(oost pump)L(ights)T(ransponder) Controls free, Ice protection(pitot heat and heater)) makes a good before takeoff check. Up (gear and flaps) and Off (pumps and landing lights) for the climb check. GUMP still is the best before landing. Flaps up, flight electrics switches off for the after landing check, and R M3 (radios, mixture, mags, master) for parking.

Certainly do what you want, but by keeping the checklist as a checklist and not a crutch for not thinking about/knowing what you are doing in the airplane, you will not make as many stupid mistakes, and you will actually catch the mistakes you do make (thus it is doing its job of CHECKING your proceedures). If you are too reliant on a list to substitute for your brain, you will miss something and have no clue it was missed, because the list is now a directions sheet,not a check list. Like following a recipe, miss a step in the directions, and you may get all the way to the end before you realize you missed something important, and then it might be too late.


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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby David Pyle » Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:10 pm

IMO the most important "check list" either printed and handy, or memorized, is the one you need in case of in flight emergency.


How many gear ups happen because the operator doesn't know or hasn't practiced the emergency gear down proceedures?

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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Jim Worley » Wed Oct 10, 2012 7:49 pm

I tend to agree with Mr Pyle about emergency checklists. Some thoughts and my technique FWIW:


I'm a military trained flyer and every mil aircraft I have flown or know of (except for my current one) have some "boldface" checklists. They are called boldface because they are printed in bold letters in the emergency procedures section of a standard checklist. Boldface are required to be memorized and pilots get tested on them weekly. They must complete a written test including capital letters and punctuation every Monday prior to flying (some Aircraft types do it monthly, I think). Boldface are always emergency procedures that happen at critical times where there would be no chance to pull out the checklist and read it (engine fire on start, engine failure on t/o, engine restart, etc.).

I only have a few hundred hours in my Comanche, so I still use the checklist religiously for normal ops to make sure I don't forget something, but I have picked out what I consider my personal "boldface" and have them memorized.

BTW my current work airplane (f-15) doesn't have boldface, so I was taught as a youngster that I needed to know the first 3 steps of every emergency procedure, so that I could accomplish them, keep the airplane flying and then pull out the checklist to finish up and double check myself.



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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby jeffrey aryan » Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:35 am



When I was flying in the military. Our check lists were "Check Lists" not "Do Lists". You were required to know how to already fly and operate all the systems of the aircraft before you were let loose to go fly. Stick with that idea and you will find your check list more manageable. FWIW.


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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:53 am

I agree with the statements about the emergency checklists, but that is beyond the scope of what was posted. If we want to talk about the emergency procedures, we have some significant data, that most pilots will not remember more than 3 steps of an emergency checklist if there is actually an emergency. Lets face it, when the chips are down, you will have significant stress already, and to expect that the bold face or boxed items memorized while sitting at home studying, to be accomplished in a timely manner, is pretty much fantasy for all but the professional (and even many professionals are known to freeze). The latest in professional aviation practice is to minimize the bold face, and add Emergency Action Items to an easy to access card or cover of a QRH. Yes we are all supposed to know the stuff to keep us alive, but most who are part time pilots do not train enough, or fly enough to be sharp enough to be able to take advantage of the bold face type of list. I wish they would, but that takes decided dicipline. The QRH that is part of the CPPP has boxed items. Im willing to bet that even those who have gone through the course will be hard pressed to remember those boxed items if asked. The secret to making a good normal checklist, is that it checks the things you already know to do. The secret to a good emergency checklist is to make it comprehensive, yet simple enought, that even under high stress, you will always do it correctly, and accomplish what needs to be done.
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Don Nelson » Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:14 pm

Somebody in Stockton CA is selling Twinco checklists on ebay, ... ar&vxp=mtr


Buy it Now, $16.00, plus $3.50 shipping.


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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Terry Rawlins » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:53 am

Here's mine. Quite large but it is written so that my wife takes a part in the operation. We both feel that she is more confident if she plays a small part in what is going on.
Most things are done scanwise and confirmed by the checklist.


I use the CPPP QRH (amended) as well. and have it in a convenient position (On the RHS between the windscreen and coaming).


Checklist V5.doc
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Jim Menconi » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:08 am

For what it's worth, I was considering buying a Baron and the guy I was buying it from had this checklist, which I thought was pretty good.
Curts Baron N397D Checklist V1.3.doc
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Zach Grant L1011jock » Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:10 pm

That is a well designed single pilot checklist for someone who actually knows the airplane. It can be said that that checklist probably gets run every flight without question. Others do no and are useless if they are not used, regardless what is written into them. Thanks for sharing. I drive my GTO (gas, trim, operational checks) to the hold short line, then I order a BLT to go (boost pumps, lights, transponder/time/temps/traffic). Simple items like this go hand in hand with good flows, and we all become safer pilots!


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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Jim Menconi » Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:30 pm

Thanks Zack, that was done by a very skilled and disciplined pilot. Thanks for your input.
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Re: PA-30 Checklist needed - share your personal checklists?

Postby Frank » Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:47 pm

I'm a minimalist... flow pattern, and memorized checklist for the "really important" items. Attached.
PA30 checklist.doc
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