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Lord Engine Mounts

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  • #105090 Trash | Reply
    Bob Waters


    I’m searching for the correct LORD engine mounts for my PA24-250 with the McCauley three-blade STC. The LORD cross reference book shows J3804-41 as the correct mount for this combo, though I can’t seem to find a set. The ones put on the plane with the new prop twenty years ago were J3804-20, which was for the original Hartnell prop, though they seemed to do fine. I called LORD and got no reply to the left message I left.

    Does anyone know:
    – If the J3804-41 is still the right part number or if it has been updated.
    – Where I can find a set
    – Any other options, like using the -20s again?

    With all the McCauley conversions 20 years ago, this should be a solved problem!

    Thank you for your help,


  • #105091 Trash | Reply
    Michael Bryant



    We have a 180 and won’t be a direct help, but have you looked through the McCauley STC instructions to see if they specify a part number change as part of that installation since the part number is different? You could also give McCauley a call to see if they specified a change in the Lord Mount part number and ask for a copy of the installation instructions if you do not have them.

    FYI, if they did not specify a change, Lord Mounts are (or were recently) available from Piper. They are very expensive though. We went that route as Lord does sell mounts that are approved 180s any longer on the open market. They sell the same part number but it is specifically listed not PMA’d IIRC.


    • #105168 Trash | Reply


      Sorry I am new to the forums, so don’t exactly know how to reply to Michael Bryant. My question is where did you find a source for the Piper engine mounts for your 180. When I had someone check with Piper they said 139 days to get, and that was a maybe. I don’t quite understand how an approved mount part number J7402-5 listed in the manual becomes not approved later. I just listed my question on the engine forum a couple days ago as I did not see this post.

  • #105092 Trash | Reply
    Bob Waters


    Thank you for the suggestion, Michael. I did just look through the STC paperwork and there is no mention of the engine mounts; just swapping prop and governor. So it appears that the STC does not required the engine mount change, which is probably why the -20’s were installed with the prop install. I can find the -20’s most everywhere, so maybe that is the solution. Thanks for your help. Bob

  • #105121 Trash | Reply
    Bob Waters


    Here’s some closure: The NEW STC information from McCauley now lists LORD J3804-42 engine mounts associated with this STC for the PA24-250. That information is found on the McCauley site in the STC link. That engine mount is available. I’m getting mine from Air Parts in Arlington, TX. Thanks for your input. Bob

  • #105185 Trash | Reply
    Michael Bryant


    I went to the website, hovered over Support, then clicked on the Piper Parts tab. They list Avial as a Piper Supplier. In the US, call them at 1-800-AVIALL-1 (1-800-284-2551), or go to

  • #106118 Trash | Reply


    I have a 260C… asked Aviall to quote kit J-3804-41 which consists of the following parts:
    Two J-3049-34 Sandwich Mountings
    One Y-6769-1-S Spacer

    No quote

